~Out Of Options~

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"It would have to be a bite. It's relatively safer than the eyes." Melissa states, her ears drooping further. "Like I said, it will not be an easy process in the slightest. You will be bedridden for days in immense pain. You—" She curses. "You could die, Aphmau."

"I'm probably dead either way." I say. "If I cannot produce an heir, a mutiny will form. You know that...not many will stay loyal to an Ultima that can't produce heirs." My jaw clenches as my heart pounds a bit too fast for me to handle.

That's until I hear his voice. "Hey, love." Aaron arrives at my side, resting a large hand at my waist as he kisses my forehead. Then, and only then, did he acknowledge Melissa, his tone becoming almost bored. "Oh. Hey, sis."

"Touche, Lycan." She takes another sip of her wine. "Where's Father?"

"Coming through the back. We should probably head to the conference room—hey Aph, you okay?"

I suddenly become aware he was talking to me. "ME? Oh, I'm fine, just flushed from the alcohol." Also aware I just announced I am not sober heading into a controversial meeting.

"You sure? Your eyes are red..."

"Mine—my eyes a-are not red, yours are!"

"Wait! They are?!" Aaron scrunches his eyes shut in a panic.

Melissa, thank Irene, stepped in. "They're fine, you big oaf. Aph is just screwing with you...literally."

I shoot Melissa a look, but she's just pure glee. "Let's go greet my grumpy-ass father."


"...our oil and gas reserves are stable, and there is almost too much food, thanks to the werewolves's help. The boiler room looks somewhat twitchy but it was like that before the alliance. So, all in all, everything looks good." Teony concludes "Oh! And the Raiders have held off on attacking us because of the upgrade to the entrance way, so I suggest we do what we have only done a few times in history, and go on the offensive. Thank you, meeting dismissed."

As we start to file out of the room, I dawn on Melissa's point. I detect a few disapproving looks from the werewolves, all of them making me shudder.

But the one that scared me the most, was the one from the man Aaron was currently introducing me to. "Father, this is Aphmau Phoenix."

Derek, his actual name, nods politely, but the judgement in his stare was heavy on my skin. He stretches out his hand to shake mine. I oblige. "You have your mother's looks." He says. "It's tragic what happened to her. My condolences."

"Thank you, sir." I say with a small smile. Derek's gaze finds Aaron's. "Son, a word?"

"Of course. Be right back, babe." Aaron's arm leaves my shoulder and I take this as my cue to leave the room. I close the door behind me, finding Melissa standing in the hallway.

I sigh. "I saw them...judging me...like I was some type of disease—" I'm cut off by yelling. Aaron yelling.

I shoot Melissa a look, inching towards the closed door to get a better acoustical advantage, Melissa doing the same.

"....IT'S MY LIFE."

"Aaron, lower your voice and be reasonable."

"NO, you can't just go ridiculing my wife just because she's human!"

Melissa's looks at me, noticing my wavering expression, but we continue to listen.

"Son, be reasonable. As long as she is not a werewolf, you two will not be able to have the heir promised. You have to change her."

"No. And certainly not against her will." There's a pause, then Aaron voice lowers. "She could die, father."


"No, you listen. She's part of our family now, human or not, and I could never do that to her."

"Well, figure something out, then. And figure it out fast."

Melissa and I scram down the hallway and around the corner as we hear the footsteps approach.

Once hidden, I peer around the corner. Aaron stands alone, leaning against the wall, doubled over, elbows perched on his thighs, hands gripping his hair.

If I knew that stance, and I think I do, it's the stance of a man out of options.

Have a nice day my crystals!

Soft Spot For Radiation ~Aarmau AU~Where stories live. Discover now