~Roles Reversed~

436 26 10

*Play Song*

"Um Katelyn?" Aphmau asks, Teony leaving the room with a blank face, a sample of of Aph's blood in hand. "Did Teony suddenly turn into vampire or something....."

Katelyn doesn't provide Aphmau her usual laugh, she doesn't even have the courage to meet her eyes. 

Great job guys, keeping it a secret. 

Aphmau whimpers once again from the constant discomfort within her. 

Katelyn's blunt secretive nature puts Aphmau on edge, since everything these days were usually bad.

"So Katelyn...how's Luka?"

Katelyn breaks a sweat. "She's g-good....we m-moved in together yesterday......" then she goes silent, leaning against the wall as she studied the floor.



"You and Luka moved in together months ago....."

It was as if Aphmau's werewolf sense picked up on Katelyn's sudden increased heart rate. 

"Oh-h that's right...."



"I may be 24 weeks pregnant....and in a hell of a lot of pain....but I will clock you if you don't tell what the fuck is going on...."

Katelyn plays with her fingertips, shaking her head slightly. "I can't...."

"Oh you better....or I will search this whole damn place till I figure it out....."

"NO!....don't....just..." She sighs, running her hands through her shiny baby blue locks. 

"It's Aaron, isn't it?"


"Answer me...." Aphmau hisses.


To make her point, Aphmau attempts to dismount the bad, letting out a built-up excruciating cry.

Katelyn is quicker than Aphmau could ever think, holding her back down on the bed. "OKAY....okay....promise me you won't leave this room..."

Aphmau with no other choice and not much pride left at that, nods.


"YOU SAID...."

"I NEVER SAID I WAS A WOMAN OF MY WORD!" Aphmau shouts back, trying her best to outrun her friend towards the medical wing of the hospital.

"HOW....ARE you...running so fast?" Katelyn leaning her palms on her knees to catch her breath amazed that Aphmau of all people had outrun her, and while carrying a bowling ball.

But when she lifts her head again, she is almost happy she hadn't caught up to her.

Aphmau was frozen, stumbling backward as she eyed a stumbling man at the opposite end of the stone hall.

He crashes backward into a stranded medical cart, surgical instruments clashing to the ground, the deteriorated meat on his greyish muscles stretch with his movements, his regular stance now a slouched jocky one, his pearl-like eyes tracking about, catching Aphmau.

Aphmau hears distantly Katelyn scream her name but everything was disoriented, the only word she could muster from her shocked body was. ".....Aaron....."

Have a nice day my crystals!

Soft Spot For Radiation ~Aarmau AU~Where stories live. Discover now