~A Touch Of Irene~

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"What have I done..." Aaron whispers, one hand cradling his dying wife, the other pressuring the wound of their unborn child.

He was now completely healed, Aphmau's condition depleting radically.

He eyes his hands, then the skins of his arms, realizing it was because of her touch....the healing touch of Irene.

And partly the reason why she was becoming so weak so quickly.

Aaron, angles his head to see a small pact of armed dwellers, and Katelyn, frozen in place. He yells for them to get help, they oblige.

He turns back to Aph, holding her tighter, guilt coursing through him. "Oh Aph...I'm sorry...oh honey I'm so sorry."

She grips the collar of his damaged shirt, wheezing weakly. "The baby...Aaron....."

Aaron peers to the wound, the placement incredibly unfortunate.

Tears gather in the Ultima's eyes, unable to discover a way to break the news to her.

Your son is dying

So am I.....

Only you can save yourself....

Aphmau hears the same sentence from the voice again, assuming she had used all her energy saving Aaron, not leaving enough to save the baby.

Aphmau's eyes start to close, opening for only short bursts of time. She was just too tired.

"Aph? Stay with me....don't you dare go anywhere, stay with me!"

Aaron takes her hand, replacing his with hers over the wound, holding pressure.

"Heal yourself....you did it with me....you can do it....please..."

"Did I lose him, Aaron....did I lose the Lycan heir....."

Aaron's face floods with tears, the unwashed blood on his face starting to drip. "No....not yet...."

"Fight for him Aph......."

Aphmau felt the abandonment of the kicking, the feeling a million times worse than the one she had been accustomed to.

"Vulnera Sanentur...." Lucinda whispers from afar, her staff pointed towards Aphmau, white energy coursing through it towards the limp werewolf's body.

Aphmau feels a sudden rush of energy rush through her veins, her eyes radiating the familiar pure white.

The same thing happens at her stomach, white energy dancing around the wound, Aaron's hand the blockage in the surging light's way.

The hallway sounds off with a loud vibration, the air of the room actively rushing in a spiral, the tornado effect illuminating with more white light.

Then all of it stops in place, immersed in their position before they spiral into Aphmau once again.

Aaron looks back to Aphmau, her eyes closed and her mouth ajar, the small hole in her shirt caused by the bullet exposing smooth, untouched skin.

Aaron cups her face in his hands, searching desperately for movement, as was everyone.

"C'mon.....come back to me...."

"That hurt...."

Everyone exhales in relief, Aaron placing his lips to hers with joy in his heart rather than sadness.

He holds her to his chest, his face immersed in her raven hair, thanking Irene.


Have a nice day my crystals!

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