~A War To End All Wars~

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High School is fucking exhausting.

*Play Song*
The world rumbles with tremendous might as dozens of trucks dart across the ruined terrain, each occupied by half a dozen men and werewolves.

Each armed with either melee or long distance weapons, and determined looks on their faces.

To get back the Alpha male....they must now...

Follow the Alpha female.

The baby was currently back at the vault with Teony and a few guards, so Aphmau could stay focused at the task at hand.

She rides alongside Laurence, Lucinda, Garroth, and Katelyn in the back, the open windows whipping their hair in odd patterns.

"There...." Aphmau states the obvious as the caravan stops in an even formation, Aphmau eyeing the still army before them.

Hundreds, no thousands of Raiders stood 100 meters in front of them, all armed and angry, standing in a similar formation to their enemy.

Aphmau hears Laurence gulp in fear, eyeing the thousands of them versus hundreds of his side.

Aphmau shakes her head of the thought, dismounting the truck to the open corrupt air, walking out in front of all her troops to the open area between the two armies.

The air is silent, the wiping of the wind rushing through everyone's hair, mostly through Aphmau.

"Hand over the Ultima now, and no one gets hurt!" Aphmau shouts over the wind, standing confidently in her black battle jumpsuit.

It is quiet once again, before a voice speaks up from the other side. "That's a good amount of soldiers you got there......so you are telling me, I'm supposed to believe we were going to do this peacefully......" Ein mimics Aphmau's previous actions, stepping into the open area as well.

"Where is the Ultima!?"

"The Ultima....is dead!"

Aphmau is taken back by this, as was the rest of her troops as the Raiders side erupted in laughter in cheers.


Are you gonna let that stop you....

Ein turns to his troops, raising his arms in the air with triumph. "THE ULTIMA IS DEAD!"

"THE ULTIMA IS DEAD!" They respond in unison, but as they said "dead" their voices died, all gasping in awe at the glorious sight in front of them.

In Aphmau's place, stood a 10 meter glowing pale slim woman, dressed in a purple outlined pearl white cloak, her hazel eyes now glowing luminescent white as she raised her arms at her side, her troops charging in response to the enemy.

The Raiders, still in awe by watching the Irene Form, acted too late as the battle commenced.

Screams echoed in the radiated air as weapons clashed and guns were shot. A volley of burning arrows and a cloud of metal being tossed throughout the wasteland.

Irene walks high over the rest, bullets passing through her like she was a cloud. She holds out her right hand to a group of Raiders, water magically dispersing towards them, engulfing them in a drowning manner. With her left, fire burns a few victims to the ground, her eyes burning with fury.

Ein, seeing this, sprints in the opposite direction cowardly. But do not fret, Irene does not lose sight of him.

Irene hovers over quickly to the small werewolf, picking him off the ground with her enlarged hand, Ein squirming in her grasp like a little worm.

Irene raises Ein to her eye level, staring him down with extreme anger. "You killed him?"

Ein chuckles, his annoying straight teeth giving off a mischievous grin. "He died screaming your name....."

Irene tightens her grip, Ein gasping in desperation, but his smile does not waver. "Kill me....do it.....goddess of nature.....I've done you a great service....ridding the earth of that monstrosity...."

Irene's voice bellows above the rest, still carrying Aphmau's personality. "Why would I give you such honor....."

"Because.....you and I know.....that I didn't end the bloodline....."

Irene does not show her shock, but she was feeling it.

The world still screamed of gunfire and hurt men.

Irene wasn't ready to take chances as she squeezed Ein tighter, his face fading of its color.

Does he know of Al? Or is it possible.....

"IRENE!" A voice calls out, Irene responding as she looked to its source, who makes her drop Ein.


Have a nice day my crystals!

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