~No Note~

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"....not in the vault" Laurence states, the occupants of the conference room murmuring silently amongst themselves, waiting for him to bring them any sort of good news about their beloved Alpha.

"He has not been seen since yesterday reportedly in the Lycan Suite by Aphmau.....and he was not scheduled for any trips this week so, proven by purposely disabled cameras.....Aaron was taken captive by a Raider...."

The room erupts in louder murmurs, the vibe of the room becoming too worrisome for comfort. Aphmau cradling Albert in her arms, tearing up slightly.

"It seems a Raider stuck around after the attack and made it into the suite.....we are unsure what happened in there but it seems the Raider left with one person and only one.....Aaron, and not with his son....."

Aphmau holds the boy closer to her, her gaze wavering between Laurence, and her little Angel.

Laurence continues. "....we are unsure now of their intentions with the Ultima, but all options do not seem good. They're last known base is a few miles west of here......we'll start there...."

As the dwellers start to file out of the Laurence stops Aphmau last moment. "We'll find him Aph......its gonna be...."

Aphmau cuts him off, Al cooing softly. "Okay? Really?....are you really saying that to me now...."


"Aaron's smart......he would have at least left us a hint or at least a lead in what happened to him...."

Laurence grimaces, eyeing Al almost guiltily.

"Aaron doesn't want to be found......he doesn't even want us to try....."


Aaron's neck strains as his head whips back with ferocity, the chair he was tied to tilting almost to the point of no return.

"I expected more of a fight from the infamous Ultima....seeing as I have in the past...." Ein observes, leaning against the wall of the deteriorated house they had taken shelter in, the radiation sneaking its way through Aaron's damaged nostrils.

Ein chuckles through a gas mask, Aaron merely spitting blood to his side, almost casually.

"What? Nothing to say?.....that's disappointing." Ein swings another knuckle his way, Aaron reacting the same way as before.

Ein stretches out his fingers, definitive cracks reverberating into the air. "You bore me Lycan.....you know what I do to people who bore me?"

"Why don't you just do it already...."

"It speaks!" Ein triumphs, a few guards chuckling for some odd reason. "Do what?"

"Kill me....why don't you just finish the job you set out for yourself to do...." Aaron croaks, spitting more blood, this time in Ein's direction.

He misses by a good yard, but it sends a message.

Ein scoffs, waltzing around the blood to lean his hands on each of the armrests, inches from Aaron's bloodied face.

"In due time Lycan....you don't just skip to the climax when reading a book, you need to see the build up first....and even so....why do you want to die...."

Aaron gulps, heaving painful breathes in response, his family panning across his vision.

Ein furrow's his eyebrows. "Aren't you a new father? Don't you, unlike many, love your wife?"

Ein's confused expression suddenly sprouts into a ridiculously wide one, springing up in his stead, his dyed blue hair streak bouncing with him. "OH! OH! I have had a Eureka moment!"

Ein crosses his arms, adjusting his mask, speaking like a blue Darth Vader. ".....I heard rumors of your wife being Irene.....they are true, aren't they?" Ein's chuckles are muffled by the mask. "Oh, the Ultima and the goddess of nature....maybe your son is purebred...."

"NO....he is more human than most...." Aaron enforces, gulping.

"What I mean is....your wife is dying....is she not....."


"You don't want to be around to see her die...It's a shame really....such a pretty little thing your wife...... it's sad she had to put up with you in order to keep her vault align...."

"WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST ME!?" Aaron bellows, coughing briefly afterward.

"You know perfectly well why! As an Ultima....you have no place in this world....." Ein hisses, his slight muscles tensing. ".....if someone looks at your eyes, they die......your teeth causes colossal amounts of pain......you think I hate you for no goddamn reason?....."


Ein proceeds to grab Aaron by the collar of his shirt, growling as he speaks. "Have you ever lost someone Aaron....someone you held near and dear to your heart....my buddy Ryland....my father....my sister.....my mother......you know what happened to them......DO YOU!??!"


"In your families damn revolt in the 90s.......your father at the front lines....you think no one would know there was bad blood in your family....I wasn't born a Raider......neither was my innocent family.....but since your vault broke into civil war......many died....because of werewolves and your father...."


"As long as you are around....the werewolves will follow....I'm not a fool to know I cannot beat them in open combat......but a leaderless strong army is as good as nothing......"

Ein tightens his grip on the collar, his knuckles whitening. "I'm not killing you yet.....first I'm going to use you.....because for some reason people value your life......oh....and I have a goodbye present for you....."

Aaron's breath stops, as a figure walked out from the shadows.


Have a nice day my crystals!

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