~Losing A Mental War~

404 23 19

If your version has this chapter before roles reversed, read roles reversed first then come back to this one.
*Play Song*

Aaron heaves his garbled breath, his monstrous nature snarling from across the corridor. Standing about 50 meters away, Aphmau could smell the horrific odor from off her husband's changed body.

Aphmau backs away slowly, holding a protective hand in front of her, close to tears in fear and sadness of her husband in such a condition. 

Then, without any warning at all, claws begin animating from his fingertips, the sight of them quickening Aphmau's much needed breaths.


Who is this?

Doesn't matter....just run.

Aphmau doesn't hesitate, taking off in the opposite direction, Aaron's howl echoing through the halls as he charged her down.

It becomes clear Aphmau can in no way shape or form outrun the beast, ducking as he swipes for her head, before rounding a corner to sprint with all her might. 

Even so, she yelps as she notices she had reached a dead end, squinting her eyes shut as she turns her vulnerable body slowly, sweat breaking out on her forehead as screams which were not her own reverberated throughout the hall.

Aphmau opens her eyes, her love standing just 10 meters away, claws wide at his side, his all-white eyeballs piercing her hazel ones.

"Aaron....please...." Aphmau pleads, stepping backward til her spine found the confining wall.

But something peculiar happens, Aaron's head twitches, his eyes wavering between black and white as if the yin and yang were fighting for life within the Ultima's head.

Your voice.....


Use your voice....

Aphmau tries to manage a singular word but the sinking heart in her chest occupies her time, the creature she used to know to creeping up to her.

What happened to him?

Only you can save him....


Only you can save yourself....

The voice disappears as Aaron reaches Aphmau, standing abnormally still for his state. 


"Aph...." The creature manages before his calm state is disturbed by gunfire.

The gunshots send him berserk again, his hand grasping Aphmau's throat, cutting off her airway.

She gasps for air unsuccessfully as he raises her up the wall, her hands clawing at his, legs dangling from the high position, her earlier fear raised from the depths of her brain.

More gunshots ring out, inspiring some speech from Aphmau. "No! Don't shoot"

They don't listen, but Aaron does.

His eyes waver once again, shaking his head violently as his grip tightens, Aphmau's skin tone starting to reflect her husband's.

I need to fight.....if not for me, for the baby....

Okay then riddle me this....will your baby have a father....or a mother for that matter...

Aphmau begs for the rain of metal to stop, but no one listens, everyone focused on their own agendas.

The war in Aaron's eyes playing out, until one side won.

The gunshots stop, as does Aphmau's gasping momentarily...

Aphmau carefully looks down, eyeing the growing puddle of blood on her T-shirt.

Aaron's eyes turn fully black, blinking quickly as he sees the gunshot in Aphmau's enlarged abdomen.

Aaron's body had miraculously healed almost to perfection, even though that wasn't his main concern at the moment.

He immediately lets go of her throat, and catches her in his arms, lowering her to the ground, her touch still on his skin.

"Aphmau....oh my irene...." He holds her head up with his elbow and his hand on her shoulder, his other on the gushing wound from the center of her belly. 

"What have I done...."

Have a nice day my crystals!

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