~Of All Places~

540 27 17

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"Okay, I've gone over the facts and came to a conclusion." Lucinda says as she takes a seat in one of the conference chairs opposite Aaron and I.

Aaron tightens his grip on my hand, nodding for Lucinda to continue.

"You are part Irene, but more of a reincarnated spirit of her. From my observations, it looks like she needed a host ever since the nuclear holocaust. As a goddess of primarily nature, she must have found it difficult to survive in the radioactive world. So, she must have stuck with your family since your grandmother because of your grandfather being one of the founding fathers. Passing down to each generation after the last one dies."

I readjust my sitting position, a bit relieved but still curious. "So what does it mean for me? Can I fix the wasteland or something?"

Lucinda bites her lip. "Well, I don't know about the wasteland, but there is something else I must discuss with you. Something that concerns the both of you, actually."

"Lucinda, anything you need to tell us, just do it." I say while taking a steadying breath.

"Alright then. I need to do some further research with Teony on the topic but...to my knowledge, there has never been a baby that was half Ultima half goddess."

No matter how many times it's mentioned, I still feel my face flush with heat. And Aaron miraculously catches me doing it every time.

"So, what are you saying, Lucinda? That it can't happen?" Aaron asks.

"Well, seeing that you have conceived in the past...sorry." I shuffle uncomfortably in my seat, Aaron wrapping his arm around my far shoulder.

"I'm not saying it's not possible. I'm just saying prepare yourself for anything."


"You want to do what?" Lucinda asks in disbelief, arms crossed.

Our short meeting had ended, but I caught Lucinda last moment to ask her questions privately.

"Since technically I am Irene, that means I can enter the Irene dimension, right? I can save the 101st and my father—"

"Aphmau, what you are suggesting is heading far into the wasteland yourself, full of ghouls and raiders, and what if you encounter a death claw?!"

"Lucinda, I thought I would never see my father again. But now, I have a feeling in my gut that this may be the only way."

Lucinda sighs, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "Okay, let's say that all that is slightly possible, do you think the Lycans would like this little endeavor? Considering what got the 101st stuck there in the first place..."

Oh. Shit...I may have forgotten about that.

I shudder, collapsing into one of the chairs, my hope diminished like water to a flame.

"I'm sorry, Aph. But this is just one of those things that can't be done. You need to let him go."

The water engulfs my body in one bite, my body staying submerged for a bit longer than usual, the chlorine stinging the surface of my eyes but I don't care.

I stay frozen for a second before thrusting myself forward with the help of the pool's wall.

It takes a bit to adjust swimming as a werewolf but I get the hang of it.

I clap both arms together in front of me, my palms side by side as I wiggle my body in a snake-like motion. I then bring my arms back then out of the water in a scooping motion to complete my butterfly style.

Water rushing down my sides as my heart filled with nostalgia.

"Mija be careful!"

"Spft spftt SPFT!" I spit out the water from which I had previously engulfed, my miniature goggles propped on my forehead.

My father comforts me, patting my back."Breathe mija....breathe....its okay....you're okay...."


"It hasn't really been causing problems as of recent but it would be best to take care of it as its controlled," Garroth says while leading Aaron and Melissa through the twisty pipes of the boiler room. The copper-colored walls, red lights, and toxic steam giving off a very stuffy vibe.

Usually, this was the kind of place that could potentially set Aaron's Ultima form off, but as of recent, he had gained more control over it, well mostly because of the new light in his life.

But then Garroth's attention is taken someplace else, and it will soon get Aaron's as well.


Garroth enters the surveillance room, observing the screens. "What seems to be the problem?"

"The boiler caused some type of malfunction with the pool room thermometer. Its temperature is dropping massively and there's someone in there."

Aaron didn't even need to see the surveillance screen to know who it was, his eyes widening as his heart started to sink in his chest. "Oh, of all the places it had to be the pool."

Have a nice day my crystals!

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