~The Danger Zone~

565 31 36

Warning: Contains descriptions of graphic actions that may be uncomfortable for certain audiences.

*Play Song*

What I've learned is, you can never truly describe pain.

You can use words that may resemble it, but even if you've felt it, it is often too difficult to paint a picture of it.

People told me it was gonna hurt—that it would hurt so bad, it could even make my heart stop.

My bold...strong beating heart...

Why didn't I listen...

Third Person's View

"Stats relatively stable. Heart rate is a bit too low for my liking and we need to up her IV." Teony orders one of the doctors, swiping away at her tablet, her heels clunking against the stone floor.

She opens the door to the room slightly, surprised not to be hearing the constant, high-pitched screams which her ears had become accustomed to.

"Shhhh, she's finally asleep." Aaron whispered to Teony, Aphmau asleep in his arms, red energy dancing underneath her tanned skin.

As Teony could see, Aaron did not look good. "Aaron, you should try and get some sleep. Maybe even take a shower."

"I'm okay where I am. Plus I think if I move she'll wake up."

Aaron's ears had been tucked away, mostly because werewolf ears were more sensitive than human ones. Nonetheless, Aaron's human ones were numb and ringing.

Teony quietly tiptoes over to check the bite site, which beheld no sign of infection so far. Her gaze then fell to Aphmau, her breathing a bit too heavy for a sleeping individual but it was to be expected with this much tension on the body.

Not the worst for Hour 13.

The heart monitor rhythmically sounds off, until it starts to freak.

Teony and Aaron's eyes shoot to the monitor, Aphmau's stats spiking.

Aphmau's chest starts to elevate alienly. Aaron calls her name.

Teony fumbles for her tablet to alert her fellow doctors. The announcements blaring: "CODE BLUE IN THE LYCAN SUITE. CODE BLUE."

Teony shoos Aaron off her and yells at him to stay at the back of the room, grabbing the crash cart and rolling it towards Aphmau's side.

Aphmau's body had continued to lurch up and down, her mouth frothing as the doctors finally entered the room.

Eyes wide with a war in his chest, Aaron leaned against the back wall where Teony told him to stay. His breathing was erratic.

I did this. Aaron thought, I did this to her.

"AARON! Oh my god, Aph..." Melissa whispers, seeing the commotion around her sister-in-law's body.

"Charge to 100". Teony orders, scooping the defibrillators in hand. "CLEAR."


"Charge to 200...CLEAR."


Wait. Not nothing.....flat line.

The monotone singular beep rings loudest in Aaron's mind.

"Charge to 300...come on Aph...CLEAR!"


"Aaron, don't look." Melissa tries, but Aaron doesn't budge.



"Switching to compressions." Teony proceeds to place her right hand over the other and lace them together while pushing on her chest in consistent beats.

"Come on, Aph...got to work with me here." Teony begs underneath her breath, vaguely aware this was her friend and the Ultima Werewolf's mate.

"She said it would be okay, Melissa. God, why did I ever agree to do this?" Aaron exasperates silently, though loud enough for his sister to hear.

"It's not your fault. This is what she wanted—and she was right...it's gonna be okay." Melissa responds, though how reassuring could she be, as she was trying to assure herself as well.

You know you'd think doctors would be smart? Well, one of them on this day was not using his noggin.

One of the doctors whispered to Teony. "She's gone."

But of course, there were two werewolves in the room.

"Teony, don't you dare stop, you hear me? I don't care how long it takes, YOU BRING HER BACK!" Aaron demands, fed up with staying by the wall as he stomped over to Aphmau's bedside.

Even Teony's face was crumpled with despair. "Her brain has lost a lot of oxygen, Aaron—"

"Keep. Doing. Compressions." He growled.

Teony looked to the oxygen mask on Aph's face, her eyes flashing a moment later. She pointed to one of the doctors. "You, take over compressions, I'm going to have to put her on Lifesupport."

"You're putting her on a machine? " Melissa questions, a few tears of her own trailing down her face.

"It's our last option. Hopefully, she makes it through the night."


"...all we have left is hope."

Have a nice day my crystals!

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