~The Scary Talk~

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"Despite the freezing and the Irene incident, the baby is completely healthy...." Teony says, sitting in the conference room with her fingers entwined in front of her. 

Aaron and Aphmau let out a relieved sigh, Aaron entwining his fingers with hers.

"But, it further proves the point that there is so much we don't know about the boundaries of this pregnancy.....but we did our research and learned some things." Lucinda presses, sitting in a similar stance to Teony.

Teony leans forward a bit more, pursing her lips. "Well, usually in werewolf pregnancies, many people prefer c-sections when they have access to such technology because werewolf fetuses fight their way out during birth. Or in the case of the Ultima, it's worse, but since this is a baby that's part god and Irene is the goddess of nature, natural birth seems like the way to go...."

Aphmau shakes her head quickly to try and wrap her head around it, blinking in short bursts. "Wow...."

"I know it's a lot to take in...also with werewolf pregnancies there is usually more than one fetus but in this case its just one boy, which are usually more aggressive in the womb so you will experience, well, a great deal of kicking..."

"Oh that, I already know...." Aphmau smiles, massaging the top of her pregnant belly.

"One last thing....news will soon begin to spread you are carrying the Ultima's heir and the Raiders will begin to stir once again, since one of their main agendas is ending the Ultima bloodline, so just keep an eye out...." Lucinda warns.

"We just want you both to understand this isn't gonna be an easy pregnancy or delivery....." Teony says, her tone too serious for comfort.

Aaron and Aphmau share a look, Aaron releasing her hand to place his palm on her abdomen, sighing, before turning back to the ladies.

"Please just....do whatever you have to do...to keep them both safe....okay?"


They depart from the room, Aaron catching Aphmau by the forearm last minute.

Aphmau turns back to look at him, showing him a slight smile. "What is it?"

Aaron touches the small of her back and pushes her closer to him, minding the belly. "I just hope  you aren't....freaking out...."

"Me? Freak out? After that scary, painful, life-altering conversation? Pfffttt...." She jokes, locking his gaze.

It was silent for about a solid minute when Aphmau breaks it. "Why couldn't we just have adopted?"

They both laugh blissfully, Aaron wrapping his arm around's his wife's shoulder as they head down the hallway.

Have a nice day my crystals!

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