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You stared at the small picture on your desk with your heavy eyes. They dragged between the two familiar faces, frozen on the digital screen in forever smiles. You had spent another night in the precinct, getting a handful of concerned gazes from both Fowler and the other detectives. It wasn't healthy but going back to your house alone sounded worse than a sleepless night.

A sigh left your lips and you laid the picture on your desk face down, running your thumb over the cold metal. Your gaze trailed over to Hank's desk, which as always this time in the afternoon, was empty. You knew he wouldn't be here for a few more hours, so you stood up, cracked your back, and walked to the break room. The thought of a hot cup of coffee on your mind. You ignored Gavin's snarky greeting when you entered the room and went straight to the coffee pot.

The steam from the pot burned your knuckles as you poured a paper cup full of pure caffeine. You took a sip, happy that it was a fresh pot and not cold. You walked out of the room and back to your desk, flopping back into your seat. Hank was going to be overjoyed you finished all the paperwork the night before. You frowned at the thought of him scolding you for spending another full night here, he worried about your health. 'Even though he should worry about himself more' you scoffed and brought the cup up to your mouth to take another sip.

"(L/N)!" Came Fowler's booming voice, causing you to spill hot coffee on yourself. You cursed under your breath and stood up, wiping the droplets onto the floor and setting your cup on the desk. Your mind was racing with what either you or Hank could have done the past week. The only thing that came to mind was Hank trying to choke someone at a bar, but that wasn't during work hours. You stepped into the room and sat down as Fowler situated himself.

"What do you need Jeffery?" You leaned back in the cushioned seat, it being a lot more comfortable than the one at your desk. Fowler ignored the unprofessional addressments and set aside the tablet he was working on.

"You and Hank have a homicide case." He said, messing with files on his desk. You were confused as to why he had called you in here to tell you, rather than just sending it to your desk computer. Before you could question him he spoke "A new 'Partner' will be joining you."

That surprised you enough to sit up straighter. "Sir, if we weren't working hard enough you could have spoken with us." You were even more confused than before. "I would've forced Hank to come in earlier. I'll try to talk to him about bar violence..." You trailed off as Fowler raised his brow, clearly not knowing what you were talking about. "Don't you think three is a crowd?"

"It wasn't my choice, (Y/N)." He began "It's complicated, just finish up whatever paperwork you guys have and prepare for this case." He said and tossed you a file tablet. You picked it up and slid your finger across it, momentarily shocked at the pictures. This was new.

"They've already been to the crime scene?" You looked at each of the pictures, staring at the last one with the words 'I AM ALIVE' printed perfectly on a wall in blood. "Why are we going if it's already been investigated?"

Fowler leaned back in his chair, done with whatever he was messing with. "It's a different situation. We just need a second opinion on it." He explained vaguely. You huffed in frustration and stood from your seat, file in hand

"Alright sir. I'll try to contact Hank." You walked out of the room and to your desk. Setting the file down and finally downing your now lukewarm coffee. You sat down and opened the file again, your eyes landing on the picture of the perfect letters once more. It matched the almost stencil like writing all androids were capable of. What was Fowler getting you into?


You had sent Hank fifteen messages and called him three times, frustrated that he chose today to not come in at all. You checked the time (5:30pm) and shook your head. You started cleaning up your desk and gathering your things so you could search for the lieutenant at the local bars.

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