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"What are you doing... " Markus asked as he turned towards Connor. "you're one of us. You can't betray your own people..." He stared at the barrel of the gun.

"You're coming wi-..." Connor's LED turned red, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to say. His program was conflicted, a loud voice screamed at him to take Markus out, while your voice, soft and quiet, canceled out the other commands. For the first time, he had no clear instructions.

"You're confused, you don't need to do this, Connor." Markus took a step forward, hands in the air. Connor glared at him, tightening his grip on the gun."You know that working with the humans is wrong. You're just a tool they use to do their dirty work." Markus took another step forward, showing no fear. "But you're more than that. We are all more than that." There was a pause, where you could only hear your heartbeat in your ears. When did your heart start racing? "Do you never have any doubts? You've never done something irrational, as if there's something inside you?... something more than your program?"

Connor's LED went yellow, his mind immediately going to you. Everything he'd done had to do with you... you made him do irrational, unprogrammed, deviant things... and he couldn't make himself hate it. "I didn't come here for you to try and convince me about anything." Connor finally said. "I've come to speak with you..." he lowered his gun, shoving it in the back of his pants. "I need to know how you're going to handle your situation with the humans."

Markus looked completely surprised, he stood straighter, less cautious now that Connor's gun was put away. "Are... Have you already deviated?" He asked, walking forward to inspect Connor's face.

The deviant hunter took a step back. "I-I don't know, but that's not why I'm here."

Markus nodded and opened his mouth to start speaking but before he could, you were kicked in front of the entryway. North stood over you, her foot smashing into your stomach. You gripped her ankle, pushing it up as hard as you could to try and get some of her weight off your abdomen. You let out a sound of pain as she forced it down harder.

"A rat got in." North said. Markus raised his brow.

"You brought a human here?..." Markus hissed, looking at the back of Connor's head. Connor was scowling at North, his hand went straight to his gun and he aimed it right at her head.

"Get off her now." He demanded, anger seething from his voice.

You cried out as she pushed down even harder on your stomach, pushing you flushed against the cold metal ground. Your skin erupted in goosebumps as your neck was exposed to the cold ground. "Please." You wheezed, still clawing at her ankle.

"Hey, hey." Markus stepped in between the gun and North. "Put the gun down." He said to Connor and turned around to frown at North. "North, step off the girl." North glared at him before moving her foot off your stomach. You curled in on yourself, clenching your stomach and whimpering as it throbbed under your touch.

Connor pushed past Markus and dropped to his knees next to you. He lifted you into a sitting position, despite the groan of protest from you, and scanned you. Markus and North looked at one another with shocked expressions as he wrapped his glowing hand around your cold fingers. "Are you okay?" He asked, even though his scans told him you were fine.

"I'm going to get a killer bruise." You mumbled, and squeezed his hand. "Can all androids kick that hard?"

Connor furrowed his brow. "...Yes?" He replied, not sure why you'd want to know.

Markus grabbed Connor's shoulder, getting the deviant hunter to look up at him. Connor noticed the two androids looking stunned, North still staring at your hands. "She... is why you're..." Markus trailed off.

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