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Connor was on edge, his processor running rapidly. He was compromised. What was he going to do? Resetting didn't work anymore... and he was keeping secrets from Amanda. Should he go to CyberLife...? He glanced over at you. You were working on the computer, looking for new cases. You kept rubbing your eyes, and your temple. Connor figured you had a headache.

You didn't have any coffee, plus you slept in so on top of no coffee there was that urge to just stay in bed all day. Connor stood from his seat next to you "Would you like some coffee (Y/N)?" He asked. You nodded, not taking your eyes off the screen, saying a quiet please. You had been silently trying to figure out Connor. A blush dusted your cheeks. 'Was it really me that caused this?' You frowned and stopped typing.

You leaned back in your seat. Not having any clue how you were going to keep this android from getting replaced. You glanced up towards the break room, having a spike of shock pierce your gut. You nearly made your chair topple over when you stood up. Everyone watched as you quickly made your way over to the break room, towards Gavin standing over Connor on the floor.

You shoved Gavin as hard as you could, getting him away from the android. He almost fell to the floor, but was able to steady himself. When he looked up, the hatred that was aimed at you was intense. "You stupid bitch." He stomped over to you, getting in your face.

You scowled, a teeth bared frown darkening your expression. "Touch Connor again! I dare you." You got further in the man's face, gritting your teeth in effort to not punch him in the face.

"Why are you protecting him? Don't want me to damage your fucking worthless Ken doll?" He shoved you, making you take a step back. Your face was boiling with anger so intense your ears were ringing.

"You better watch your fucking mouth Gavin!" You shouted back.

"Or what? You'll sick your Android on me? Call mommy and daddy... oh wait... you can't." You stared at him in horror, your hands starting to shake. White, red, hot anger coarsed through you as your fist collided with his face, getting a nasty crack from his jaw. He fell to the floor, looking up at you surprised. You had never acted out like this. Physical aggression was usually stopped by Hank.

"Never talk about my parents! Another word about them and I'll mess you up!" You screamed, getting pulled back by Connor when you went to tackle Gavin. You ripped out of his grasp. "I'll fucking kill you." You gritted out, another firm hand keeping you in place.

You trained your eyes on the other man and cursed internally when you realized it was Captain Fowler. "In my office. Now." You couldn't tell if he was mad. He always hid his reaction from others, so he could let everything out all at once. You glared at Gavin one last time before tugging Connor away to your desk.

You stared as the floor, avoiding all the gazes on you. Hank was going to be pissed that you were going to have a file added to your disciplinary folder, but you could care less. Gavin wasn't going to get away with low blows like this.

You sat Connor down in his seat, rubbing your face. "What happened to your parents?" He asked, grabbing your wrist so you couldn't walk away. You glanced around at the people staring at you, before you stared into his eyes for a long moment. You had known you weren't going to be able to hide anything from him. So instead of explaining it, you grabbed the picture off your desk and handed it to him.

You walked away, heading over to Fowler's office. Knowing damn well your ears were going to be ringing by the time you left the office. You pulled open the glass door and went straight to one of the seats in front of Fowler's desk. You didn't look up at him, just stared at your hands trying to prepare yourself for the yelling. Trying to get the desire to cry out of your mind. "What did he say?" You quickly looked up at him.

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