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You felt warmth radiating through your body, starting from your back and spreading up your spine. It made you melt against the body you were flushed to. You ran your hands up the soft fabric they were laying on, only stopping when your fingers met hair. Your eyes flitted open, focusing on the glowing blue triangle that sat right in your line of sight.

Another wave of warmth ran through you. You shuttered and couldn't stop the small sound that escaped your lips. You covered your mouth pausing momentarily, before leaning back so you could confirm your theory on who was with you. When your eyes landed on the soft chocolate ones you felt your heart stop.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." You really liked the sound of his voice in the morning. An embarrassed smile found its way onto your face.

"D-Did I drag you to bed with me?" You asked. He pulled his hands away from your back and sat up.

"You didn't drag me. You asked me to lay with you." He replied. You could guess that your face was completely flushed. You rubbed the palms of your hands against your cheeks.

"How embarrassing." You mumbled, sitting up. "I'm sorry about that, Connor. I get clingy when I'm drunk." You had to find some excuse for this, not completely sure what you had said the night before.

"It's alright. I didn't mind." He looked down at you. "It was actually quite enjoyable." You raised your brow, catching his gaze. Your face got ten times hotter and forced you to look away. You ran your hands through your hair, taming the sleep mess beast.

"We should get up." You tried to keep your voice steady, not doing a very good job. Connor gave a small nod and pushed off the bed. You took a deep breath and rubbed your face again in a failed attempt to wipe away the blush on your cheeks. The android fixed his tie and his hair which also seemed out of place. "What time is it?"

Connor examined your face before speaking "11:32, you slept through your alarm." You furrowed your brow and shifted on the bed so you could see the clock on your nightstand.

"And you didn't wake me up?" You asked, looking in his direction a bit confused. He was bashful, glancing off to the side to avoid your gaze.

"No... I didn't." He replied.

You snorted and slid off the bed. "Well, no big deal, Hank will just have to hang out if he gets there before us." You shrugged off your jacket and threw it across the room next to your hamper. "I'm going to take a quick shower." You turned to him.

"So unless you want to see me naked, I suggest you leave." You were using a teasing tone, trying to make the atmosphere a little less awkward. When Connor didn't move from his spot you knew it was a failed attempt. You were definitely not getting that blush to go away. "Connor?" His eyes fluttered, his LED blinking yellow.

"My apologies." He straightened up. "I'll get breakfast ready." He walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. You ran a hand through your hair again, letting out a small sigh.

You were so hooked.


Connor sat at the table, tossing his coin in the air. His LED was red, frustrated he couldn't get you out of his mind. The way you felt was system stopping and he couldn't get enough of it. You were going to get him deactivated.

"You alright?" You asked, staring at the red circle on his temple. The coin stopped between his fingers, and he turned to you. The LED flicking back to blue.

"Yes, I'm fine. Was the food acceptable?" He changed the subject, taking the plate and bringing it to the sink. You stood up, watching Connor.

"It was delicious, thank you." You fiddled with your sleeve, staring at the back of Connor's head. You looked away when he turned around, still feeling his hands on your back. You swallowed and teased the tip of your tongue between your teeth.

"We should head to the precinct." He said. You nodded and walked off out of the kitchen. You looked troubled, tugging at the string that now hung from your sleeve. You knew the walk to the station was going to be mostly silent.

Connor was battling with something. With what, he wasn't completely sure. He wanted to make CyberLife happy, but making you happy made him feel so much more. His LED flashed red, right before he reset his system.


You breathed warm air onto your hands to try and heat them up. The cold air leaving your fingers numb. You fixed your eyes onto the precinct as you neared the building. The walk was completely silent, Connor not once saying a word. His LED had been switching between each color the minute he stepped out the door.

He opened the door for you, not meeting your eyes as you thanked him. You walked up to the reception, handing the android your id. She scanned it, giving you those all to familiar fake smiles. "Have a nice day detective (L/N)." She said, placing your id back into your hands.

"You too." You replied as you ambled away to the entry gate. Worry started to set in, your eyes glancing at the android that was causing it. He was observing the area, his LED still yellow.

You pressed the elevator button, tapping your fingers against your leg while you waited. You cleared your throat, locking your eyes on Connor. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. Asking you to sleep with me was inappropriate and I understand if you want some space." You had been building up the courage to say that. Connor stared down at you, his eyes digging into yours.

"I can't be uncomfortable." He replied, his face still blank. You rolled your eyes, letting out a huffed sigh.

"You being silent and distance are clear signs that you're uncomfortable." You were tired of him saying the same thing. He couldn't feel, he couldn't do this, he can't be that. Bullshit, this morning and last night said otherwise. "But if you aren't uncomfortable then, okay. Whatever."

You walked into the elevator as it opened. Staring at the buttons on the wall. It was silent for a second before Connor started to speak. "I've been having trouble being around you." You turned to him with a shocked expression, hurt by the words. He was turned towards you too but he wasn't meeting your eyes. "I... I can't get you out of my system." He slowly brought his eyes to your gaze, showing just how terrified he was. "After last night I can only think of touching you." He reached forward and wrapped his hand around the side of your neck. His thumb sat against your jaw. The blue glow almost blinded you. "What does this mean?"

Your eyes were wide and your face was red. Was this really happening? "What do you think it means Connor?" You asked. He stroked his smooth thumb across your jaw, threading his fingers into your hair.

"I don't know." He whispered, stepping closer to you. "I shouldn't be feeling at all."

"That's what you were programmed to think." You grabbed his other hand, relishing at the heat that instantly started to come from it. Wondering what could have caused his change of mind. "But you can and you are feeling." You squeezed his hands lightly.

Your back bumped against the wall of the elevator.

"I'll be deactivated." His voice seemed to be even quieter.

"Don't worry about that... How could they know?" He ran his thumb over your bottom lip. Liking the way it squished under his thumb.

He didn't have to show CyberLife everything. He liked keeping you a secret, no harm done.

You shivered. "What would CyberLife think?" He asked, but had no intentions on learning the answer.

"They won't know." You whispered. He leaned down slowly, agreeing that they never would. Still teasing your bottom lip with his thumb. Only to pull it away when he was centimeters away from your lips. Your eyes fluttered shut as he came closer. Just as your lips brushed the elevator doors opened and he pulled away quickly, taking his hand from your face. You scrunched your nose, a flush hotter than anything setting your cheeks aflame. Your glare could melt the elevator doors with it's flame.

He glanced out of the elevator, squeezing your hand that was still in his before pulling away. "What should I do?" He asked.

You weren't quite sure. "That's the thing about being human. You usually don't know what to do." You looked out the elevator as well. "We'll wing it."

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