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You woke up slowly, a calming essence in the air surrounding you. The android you were sleeping on was so soft in a way you did not expect. You hummed happily, leaning back to look up at Connor's face. He had his eyes on you too, your shifting alerting him you were awake.

"Good morning." You said. He smiled, grabbing your hand.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." He stroked the top of your hand with his thumb. "I again failed to bring myself to wake you." He said, leaning his forehead against yours. "The leader of the deviants made an announcement five hours ago. Captain Fowler gave orders for us to go to the scene immediately."

You sighed, not wanting to get up. "Alright, What's our game plan? How are we going to accomplish our mission?" You asked through a yawn. You fiddled with his tie with your unoccupied hand. He was silent for a few seconds, unsure of how he would even do anything without Amanda replacing him that day. The sudden hesitation in his form caught your attention. "Connor, You alright?" You questioned.

He gave a firm nod "I'm fine... just thinking." His hand left yours and, along with the other one, started to slither to your waist. You yelped when he lifted you off of his lap effortlessly, setting you down once he stood from the couch. "I can make your breakfast while you get ready." He smiled down at you.

You frowned, fluttering your eyes at him. "You don't want to help me?" You teased, smiling when he tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"You need assistance? Does your arm still hurt?" He grabbed your scarred arm and scanned it.

You chuckled "It was a joke." You whispered, pulling his hand off and squeezing it. "You gotta get better at that." You walked away after winking at him, laughing to yourself. He watched you leave, furrowing his brow and wondering why he had a smile on his face.


You were brushing your hair as you walked around the corner. When your eyes landed on the android cooking in the kitchen you paused. Warmth spread through your chest, curling into every section of your body. He was quietly cooking at the stove and you were sure he already noticed your presence, but you couldn't help but stare. Your eyes trailed down his form landing on the jacket still tied around his waist. "Oh shit." You said, effectively announcing your presence.

He turned around, his head tilted to the side. "What's wrong?" He asked, watching you walk over to him.

You untied the jacket and held it in the air, a sigh leaving your lips. You couldn't see a single spot without wrinkles. "I forgot about ironing your jacket." He took it from your hands, tossing it to the table.

"I'll do it while you eat." He said, going back to cooking. You scoffed, walking over to the table and setting down your brush.

"I can do it, it'll take us less time." You picked it up again, walking out of the room before he protested. You threw the laundry room door open and pulled out your ironing board. You plugged in the iron and set it aside as it began heating.

"You better hurry, your breakfast is already done." Connor said in the doorway, spooking you enough that you jumped. You turned around with your brow arched.

"Put it in the microwave." You said, going back to ironing. "I'm ironing your clothes for work, dear." You said in a country accent for no particular reason. Connor walked further into the laundry room, pump regulator pulsing. You blushed when his chest was suddenly flushed against your back. His hand ghosted down your arm, you looked up at him over your shoulder. "Connor?"

His LED was yellow, and his soft eyes stared into yours. You swallowed. He leaned down, his lips grazing over the shell of your ear lightly. "Go eat your breakfast, darlin'." He whispered into your ear, his accent was deep and perfect, getting a shiver to run down your spine. You were about to say something but he took the iron from your hand, and spun you away from the ironing board. You faced the door, your eyes wide and your face red.

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