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Your eyes fluttered open, a soft hum leaving your lips. Your arms were wrapped around Connor, legs intertwined with his. You froze for a moment, looking up at his face and relaxing again. The memories of last night flooding into your thoughts. You sighed and bumped your head against his chest, jumping when he shifted his position.

"Morning." He said quietly, his hands sliding away from you.

You looked up at him, giving him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Connor shook his head, sitting up on the bed and gazing down at you.

"It's no problem, we need to get up anyways." You sat up as well, missing his warmth. He pushed off the bed and looked around the room. "Do you know where my uniform is?" He asked. You noticed his posture was rigid, clearly something was off.

You got up, nodding your head sleepily. "Yeah, I'll go get it." You stretched your arms over your head as you passed Connor, heading straight for the laundry room. He watched you leave, shedding his jacket once you did and setting it on the small chair in the corner of your room.

When you came back you had his uniform held against your chest. His fingers brushed against yours when you handed him the clothes. "I should take a shower." You said, looking up at him. Connor set his uniform down on the chair, still seeming way to rigid. "Connor?"

You jumped slightly as his hand gripped onto your hip, pulling you against him. His lips smashed into yours and he seemed to melt into you. A small whimper erupted from your throat as he crushed you up against the wall behind him. He leaned back and rested his forehead on yours. "We might die today." His voice was quiet, nervous, and full of fear.

You bumped your nose with his, wrapping your arms around his neck. "We won't." You mumbled, kissing him again.

He furrowed his brow and tilted your head back to deepen the kiss, sliding his hands under your shirt. A shutter went through you as his fingers ghosted up your stomach. His lips left yours to trail down your neck, nipping as he went. His hands left your stomach and gripped the soft fabric of your shirt. You helped him pull it off and quickly pulled him back down once the fabric was on the ground.

He nipped your bottom lip, running his hands up your stomach and over your beasts, catching your nipples between his fingers. You shivered, laying your shaky hands on his biceps. "C-Connor." You stuttered out as he broke the kiss. Your entire body felt hot as he trailed wet kisses down your chest. You leaned your head back and gasped as he brushed his lips lightly against your nipple.

"You're so beautiful." He said, locking his gaze with yours. His tongue circled around the sensitive skin, a rush of heat flooding to your face as you stared down at him. Your breath hitched when he sucked your nipple lightly into his mouth, as his left hand cupped your other breast, with retracted skin and heated touches. You shivered, your hands coming up to rest on his shoulders.

His right hand trailed down your waist and started to pull the loose fitting pants down your legs. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips, your fingers fisting the fabric of his shirt. He popped off your nipple and finished pulling your pants off, standing once he did so. You stared up at him, face red and breathing uneven. He cupped your cheek, staring into your eyes with this look that had you choked up. He leaned down, kissing your forehead with a gentle push of his lips. His other hand glided down your waist and lifted you off the ground once it reached your thigh. You made a small noise as he dropped his hand from your face and lifted you completely. Your legs wrapped around him, even more heat going to your face as your naked cunt pressed against him.

He walked towards the bathroom, kissing you as he went. He sat you on the counter, squeezing your thighs before he turned towards the shower. You watched him mess with the temperature, biting your lip and squeezing your thighs together. Once he turned towards you again, you pushed off the counter and grabbed his hand. "Are you joining me?" You asked in a gentle voice, giving him puppy eyes.

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