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Connor watched the elevator disappear passed the upper floor, his heart pump thudding loudly in his chest. "Connor." One of the androids called. He turned around and nodded, stepping away from the elevator and walking over to the crowd.

He bent down and picked up the two guns discarded on the floor, keeping one and handing the other to the android that had called him. "We need to hurry. They'll be coming for us." He pushed through the crowd and towards the stairs.

The one with the gun followed him, . "What do we do?"

"Just..." Connor frowned down at his own gun, noticing just how hard he was gripping it. "Follow me."


"HELP!" Hank rushed through the front doors of the emergency room, scaring the three nurses at the front desk. "Please Help! She's losing blood fast!" Their eyes immediately focused on the blood soaking your clothing. Two of them ran off and the other ran over to Hank.

"What happened?" She asked, quickly leading Hank through the lobby. The few people still left in the waiting room stared with gaping expressions.

"An android." Was all he could say, before they started taking you from his arms. One of the nurses pressed her fingers against your pulse as they pushed the stretcher to an operation room.

"Her pulse is weak, we need to hurry."

"Will she be okay?!" Hank asked, glancing at each nurse. They didn't reply, one of them pushing him back as they passed through doors.

"You have to stay here, sir." She said. Hank shook his head, watching you as the doors shut.

"No! I need to stay with her."

"I'm sorry, sir." She grabbed his arm and lightly pulled him away. "You can't go with her. Are you registered as her guardian?" Hank stared at the doors. "Sir?"

"I... No, I don't believe so..." he said slowly, looking down at her.

She squeezed his arm in an attempt to give him some kind of reassurance. "Come on sir." He glanced towards the door one more time, before letting the nurse lead him away. "We'll get confirmation from her legal guardian. They'll decide how we're going to handle this."

"What is there to handle?" He asked.

She didn't respond and led him to the bathrooms. "Don't worry sir. Get cleaned up and we'll contact you about her condition soon." She was about to leave but paused and turned to him again. "Oh, can I get your name?"

"Hank Anderson." He pushed open the bathroom door and quickly locked it behind himself.

Hank stood in front of the sink, scrubbing his hands roughly. His vision blurred with tears, and his breathing was uneven. He slammed his fists on the counter, ripping off his bloodstained jacket and supporting himself on the sink. "Fuck."


"Are you scared honey?"

"No, why would I be scared?"

"Because we're so high up."

"We're not so high mommy, I can't see daddy right there."

"Oh you're such a brave girl. Will you keep mommy safe?"

"Yeah! I'll keep you safe."

"Are you going to stay up here with me forever?"

"I'll have to get down soon mommy! What about daddy?!"

"Oh, will you help me down then? You can do that right?"

"Yup, I'm leading you down."

Something New |Connor x reader| Where stories live. Discover now