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You slipped past the crooked church doors, ridden with wood rot and vines, small pieces of wood sticking to your clothes as you wiped your hands off. "I forgot my clothes." You said suddenly, looking back through the door at Connor.

He glanced back behind his shoulder. "I can go get them." He felt guilty for carelessly tossing them on the ground.

You paused only for a moment before shaking your head. "No, it's fine." Connor raised his brow in a silent question. "Really, once they dry Markus can use them for other deviants." He nodded and squeezed himself through the door, pulling it back into place. You wiped off the few chunks of wood that clung to his jacket.

Connor's fingers circled around your wrist, still worried. "Are you sure? They were your father's." He seemed so worried, and for the first time that emotion seemed much less hidden. You gave a slight nod. Connor could tell something was off. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm just shocked." The two of you started to walk away from the church. "So much has happened, I shot and killed a person, Jericho is destroyed, and I'm officially part of the android revolution." You bit your lip, your brow furrowed. "Things just escalated so quickly."

Connor gazed down at you, analyzing the guilt woven into your words. "Do you regret helping us?" He asked quietly.

You quickly looked up at him with a shocked expression, shaking your head frantically. "What?! No!" You grabbed his arm. "I don't regret anything. I just wish humans weren't so selfish. No death needed to come from this." You said. Your hand fell from his arm and he laced his fingers with it.

You went through a few abandoned buildings to get to the subway. Connor had gone ahead at one point to figure out what direction the two of you needed to head in. As he searched you simply looked around, not really taking anything in.

Down one of the dark halls you tripped over a rock, landing on your hands. You gave a heavy sigh, shaking your head. At the corner of your eye you saw blue, turning towards it and gasping in alarm. "Oh my god." you pushed yourself against the opposite wall, as far away from the horrible scene in front of you as possible.

Half an android laid on the ground, it's head and chest bashed and beaten until it opened to the components underneath. There was no synthetic skin and this seemed more shocking than when Connor would lose his. You stared wide eyed, jumping when Connor touched your shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asked. You motioned towards the android. He brought his gaze to it and paused. It unsettled him to see just how gruesome humans could be. He felt the need to look away, allowing himself that freedom, and brought his eyes quickly back to you. "There's nothing we can do." He said quietly.

"I know..." You pushed off the ground, looking away. He placed his hand at the small of your back and lightly pushed you down the hall. You wrapped your hands around yourself.

You went through one more building before the two of you finally made it to the main street. you noticed the smoke still billowing up into the sky behind the buildings. A deep frown took over your face, shame of your own kind giving you a headache. There were crowds viewing the black clouds and numerous people staring at their phones as they viewed the news reports. None of them noticed the two of you, which was for the best since Connor's temple was smeared with blue blood.

You immediately started dabbing his forehead with your jacket sleeve when you sat down in the subway. "I didn't even realize this was still bleeding." As you wiped near his LED he flinched, making you pause. "Does it hurt? You flinched like that on the ship." You asked.

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