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You weren't expecting to wake up to the smell of breakfast. You knew Connor was anything but happy with you skipping dinner last night, but you felt exhausted despite the hours of sleep you got in the hospital. You couldn't even keep your eyes open on the ride home.

You slid off your bed, quickly getting changed into black jeans and throwing on the first shirt you grabbed. Your door creaked as you pulled it open, alerting Connor you were awake. You came around the corner, confirming that Connor was in fact making breakfast.

"What are you doing?" You questioned as you walked over to him.

"You didn't eat dinner last night, so having a big breakfast to start the day off should help you regain your energy." He was back to his matter-of-fact tone. You looked at the food on the counter.

"You didn't have to do this Connor." You felt bad having a guest cook breakfast for you.

But the response you got put a small smile on your face. "I know, I wanted to." He handed you a plate, a smile tugging at his lips. You grazed your hand against his as you took the plate, looking up into his eyes.

"You're the best." You walked over to the small table in the kitchen, watching as Connor sat across from you. "So what's the plan?" You asked before taking a bite from a piece of bacon.

"You have today off, as directed by captain Fowler. Today you can get errands done, or just relax." Connor said, you waved your fork at him.

"Are you still going in?"

He shook his head in response. "Hank said he wasn't going in if you weren't and I'd be no use there alone." You nodded, abusing your bottom lip with your teeth.

"So you get to spend a day with me?" He gave a quick nod "Don't expect much. I'm kinda boring." You said, shoving some eggs into your mouth. "I'm probably only going to be cleaning the house."

"I can help. Please, finish your meal. I'll go put on some music." He stood up and walked away, not leaving you time to say anything to him.


"I'll dust." Connor said, taking the dust rag from your hands, and immediately getting to it. You gave Connor a quick smile before you walked into the kitchen. Heading to the sink to wash the dishes but your phone started ringing in your room. You rushed to get over to it, answering it when you saw who it was. "Hey, Hank." You said, walking back to the kitchen.

"How's the arm?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"Oh you know, healing." You looked down at it, angling it so you could see all of the damage. "Gross looking." You smiled when a laugh came from the phone.

"Yeah I won't sugar coat it, I almost puked seeing it yesterday." You could tell he had a smile on his face by just the tone of his voice. You turned on the faucet of the sink, grabbing a plate.

"Oh wow, thanks." You replied, glancing over to the entrance of the kitchen. The plate you were washing almost slipped from your hands, clinking against the side of the sink. "What did Connor do after I was taken away?" You asked, knowing that he looked stunned once they were able to take your hands out of his hair.

"Huh?... Oh you mean after you molested his hair." You blushed, rolling your eyes when you heard him laugh again. "He didn't fix it until we got to the hospital. I'm pretty surprised, he's always so fuckin' perfect all the time. What's up with you two? He wouldn't stop bugging me about taking you home last night."

You paused, furrowing your brow, remembering Connor had said Hank told him to stay and take you home. "I guess he likes me more since I haven't been an asshole to him." You replied, setting the cup you were just cleaning down to dry. "You still think he's a plastic prick?" You asked.

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