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You jolted awake when loud knocks came from the front door. Your heart was beating loudly in your ears and you couldn't register what was happening. You groaned quietly against Connor's chest and pushed yourself up on your elbows. "What the fuck?" You said groggily. You looked up and saw that Connor was still asleep, apparently not hearing the front door. Memories of last night flooded your thoughts, a light blush rushing to your cheeks. You jumped again when more loud bangs came from the door.

"(Y/N)!! It's 8:00!" Hank yelled. You blinked for a few seconds before you rolled your eyes, today of all days he's the one to tell you you're late. You glared over at the front door and glanced down at Connor as you slid off of him. You looked down at him, wondering why he wasn't waking up. More bangs came from the door.

You huffed and stomped over to the door, swinging it open and glaring at the man in front of you. "I heard you the first time!" You said in a gruff whisper.

He raised his brow. "Why are you whispering?" He looked you over. "And why do you barely have any fuckin' clothes on?" You looked down at yourself and crossed your arms over your chest. Sudden realization came over his features, he gasped. "You didn't!"

You groaned as heat started to over take your face, walking away from the door to try and hide it. "You're right, we didn't." You continued to speak in a quiet tone, sounding completely annoyed.

"Why are you whispering?" He asked again, walking in and closing the door.

"Connor's sleeping." You said. Hank furrowed his brow, looking completely confused when he saw the android indeed asleep on the couch. You walked over to your room and pulled open your closet.

"What did you do to him? He's out cold." Hank snapped his fingers in front of the android's face. You pulled out an outfit, and started undressing. Throwing your pajamas across the room and pulling on your other ones. You walked out of your room, checking if you had any notifications on your phone. Confirming that Hank called you three times and sent fifteen text messages. "Has this happened before?" Hank asked, looking at the candy and popcorn on the coffee table.

"No." You replied, standing next to him in front of the couch. "I'm kinda worried." You confessed.

"I'm sure he's fine. You just over worked him last night." He teased.

"Shut the fuck up." You growled out.

You kneeled down and grabbed Connor's shoulder. "Wait." Hank stopped you from shaking him by grabbing your arm. "Can I smack him?" You glared at him, pushing his hand off your arm.

"No... " You hesitated for another moment, actually contemplating the question, but shook the thought from your head. "No." You repeated, your tone a little more firm. Hank sighed and crossed his arms. You shook Connor's shoulder, a little less than gentle. "Connor?" You made up for it with how soft you said his name.

His LED went yellow as his eyes fluttered open. His brow furrowed and he turned his head so he could look into your eyes. You smiled down at him. His face relaxed and he reached forward with his hand to wrap it around the back of your neck. He leaned forward but you stopped him with a gentle hand on his chest. "Connor, Hank's here."

He looked confused before he quickly sat up, pulling his hand away in the process. "Lieutenant!" Hank arched his brow, not surprised at all.

"Connor." He replied with a nod, motioning towards the couch. "You usually sleep like a rock?" Connor thought for a moment, a frown appearing on his face. His eyes inspected the couch as if the answer to Hank's question was on it.

"I must've lost track of time." He said, sounding puzzled. You stood up straight, brushing off your pants.

"No big deal. It's good that you slept. How do you feel?" You pat his shoulder, a small smile on your lips. The android still looked puzzled, pushing up off the couch.

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