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"You two are getting pretty close." Hank took a swig from his beer, staring off at the city lights.

"I wouldn't say that." You twirled your bottle, watching the liquid make a small whirlpool. Hank didn't say anything else. Not really having a response to give. "I'm not sure I can do this case anymore Hank." Hank looked at you with raised brows.

"Why's that?" He asked, clearly surprised that you, oh so determined (Y/N), couldn't take the case.

"What if we're on the wrong side here? All these androids want is freedom. A place to love." You set your bottle down, bringing your legs up onto the bench. "All we're doing is trying to deny them any chances of actually living. We know how this story plays out. No matter what they'll get their freedom." You looked at Hank "Even if it takes years."

He seemed to understand, knowing that your words had truth in them. History does repeat itself. "Yeah, I know. But there isn't much we can do. You know Fowler won't let us drop this case," He pointed behind him at his car "And Connor won't be very happy about us leaving." You stared at the ground, tapping your fingers against your leg.

"What should we do?" You asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" He huffed. "That damn android is so persistent on not being deviant, but he does things clearly not benefiting the mission." Hank finished off his beer, grabbing another. "That weird hand thing he was doing with you, what is it?"

You blushed, closing your hands into fists. "I have no idea." Your fingers felt ice cold, looking pale. "You think he's going to abandon his mission?"

"I'm not sure." He grabbed your shoulder giving it a squeeze. "But by the looks of it he just might." Again it was silent, the sound of distant cars driving by. You grabbed your bottle and finished it off.

"I'm sorry I brought you here, I know you really hate it." You said, running your hand through your hair.

"It's alright. It's hard since... you know?" You nodded "But I can't just stop coming here." He knew this place was important to you too. You had cared about Cole just as much as he did but this place had a different meaning for you.

"I miss them." You mumbled, not taking your eyes off the dark water under the bridge. "Every time I come here it just feels like they aren't gone. Like they're at home waiting for me to come back." You sighed, wiping your face harshly. "Do you think it's always going to hurt like this?"

Hank shrugged "It hasn't gotten better for me, I'm not sure." You both heard the car door open and shut. You glanced over at Hank with tired eyes.

"Hopefully it will." You handed him your empty bottle, and looked over at Connor as he came up to the side of the bench. He looked at both of you with a tilted head.

"You both should get home. It's late and your alcohol intake is high." Connor said, putting a small smile on your face. You liked how he was always concerned with Yours and Hank's health.

"If I stop drinking can we stay ten more minutes?" You asked, giving the android your best puppy dog eyes.

He stared at you, seeming to just breakdown. Hank arched his brow, in disbelief that you had made the Android freeze. "Only ten minutes." Connor finally said, walking in front of you and Hank. He seemed to be bothered by something. "We're not making any progress on this investigation..." you weren't going to have to ask him what it was. "The deviants have nothing in common." He crossed his arms. "They're all different models, produced at different times, in different places..."

Hank's beer sloshed as he waved it in the air. "Well, there has to be some link." He said.

You planted your feet on the ground, and started messing with your sleeve. "What they have in common is this obsession with rA9... it's almost like some kind of myth." Connor started to gesture with his hand. "Something they invented that wasn't part of their original program..."

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