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Connor stared down at his hands. They felt hot, as if they were going to burst into flames. He hated not knowing why but it felt right to have your hands against his. It made him feel... he opened his eyes and shut down his thoughts, reloading his system.

You got out of the car first, leaning against it as Hank got out of the back seat. He was rubbing his temple, trying his hardest to get rid of his headache. You pat his back, walking side by side into the building. When your eyes landed on the glass cages you started to feel sick to your stomach. averting your eyes from the half naked androids. "Never thought I'd be in one of these places." Hank mumbled.

"Me neither." You remarked. Trying to will away the dirty feeling that was crawling on your skin.

"Jesus, this is making me uncomfortable." He sounded just as disturbed as you, at least you weren't the only one. Hank walked over to Ben so he could speak to him about the case, you listened to their conversation while staring at ground.

Connor came up next to you, bumping his shoulder lightly against yours. He didn't mean to, he just took a step that wasn't necessary, but you didn't mind. He was blocking the android on the stripper pole, so you could look up from the ground.

"Gavin's in there too." You groaned, not loud enough for Hank or Ben to hear but Connor definitely did. He looked down at you curiously.

"Oh great, dead body and an asshole, just what I needed..." Hank huffed and walked into the room. You and Connor followed him in.

You wanted to ripe your hair out of your head when Gavin instantly started speaking. "Lieutenant Anderson and his pets... The fuck you three doin' here?"

You were about to throw a snarky response back at him but Connor spoke before you could. "We've been assigned all cases involving androids." You glared at Gavin, trying to burn a hole through his skull.

"Oh yeah? Well you're wasting your time. Just some pervert who, uh, got more action than he could handle." He chuckled, looking down at the man's corpse.

You walked up to the bed "We'll take a look anyway. So you can get out of here." You said, crossing your arms, scowling at him.

He rolled his eyes hard. "Whatever, bitch." He spat.

He was about to leave the room but Connor stood in front of him. "I suggest you watch your mouth around my partner." Connor sounded threatening, and he towered over Gavin. Gavin's face turned red and he raised his fist to punch Connor in the face but Chris pushed him out of the room. Making sure Gavin didn't piss anyone else off more than he already had.

"Let's get out of here Reed." You heard him say as the door to the room slid shut.

You sighed, actually being able to focus on the crime scene. You stared at the man laying on the bed, his neck was covered in dark purple bruises. "He was clearly strangled." You directed your gaze to Connor, seeing him nod with his eyes trained on the sex android.

Connor walked over to her and kneeled down. He swiped two fingers across her jaw and brought them up to his mouth. "Whoa! Hey! Hey! Hey! Argh, Connor, you're so disgusting..." Hank protested, covering his face.

"Gross." You said, not sounding quite as disgusted as Hank. You smiled when Connor looked up at you. "What's the model Connor?" He paused for a second.

"WR400, it's selector #5402 and Biocomponent #6970 are critically damaged." He stood up and glanced over at the bed. "The man is Michael Graham, he has no sign of a cardiac event and— as you said— has severe bruising on his neck."

"That doesn't prove anything, could've been rough play." Hank said, messing with something across the room.

You messed with your sleeve, pulling at it so it would cover your hand. "Did he beat her?" You walked over to the broken android against the wall. Getting down onto your knees, next to Connor's feet.

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