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You woke up to the sound of your alarm blaring in your ears. Jolting you awake and sending a stabbing pain through your head. Groaning, you sat up and rubbed your hand across your face. Mornings were the worst. You slid off the bed and stretched your arms in the air, letting out a quiet noise as you did so.

The cold tile in your bathroom made you shiver, and you regretted not getting those cute slippers you had seen at the store last week. You washed your face and brushed your teeth, which helped wake you up and feel less like garbage.

Once you were done with that you left your bathroom and pushed open your door. You padded over to the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out a cup of yogurt. You walked into the living room, stopping when you noticed books piled on the coffee table. You remembered Connor had walked you home and had stayed here overnight.

"Connor?" You called, setting your yogurt down and picking up the books. When Connor didn't respond you shoved the books into the bookcase and walked out of the room to search for him. You walked down the hall and noticed your office door was cracked open. Pushing it open a little more you were met with Connor sitting in your computer chair reading a book.

You leaned against the doorframe, gazing at his face. Spotting another pile of books on your computer desk. You couldn't stop the small laugh that left your lips, blowing your cover. He looked up at you and closed the book. "Good morning (Y/N)." He stood from the seat and set the book down.

"And good morning to you too." You motioned to the books on the desk. "How many books did you read last night?" By the amount of books still currently on the desk and scattered around the living room, you could tell he had almost finished every book in your house.

He looked almost bashful as he spoke. "While listening to your music I read every book that was located in the living room." You laughed.

"It takes me an entire day to finish one of my big books. That's crazy!" Your voice was an octave higher than usual and there was pure excitement in it. He wasn't quite sure what to make of your reaction. "You even came in here to read more." When your eyes met his, after looking around the room again, he felt his pump regulator skip a beat. "These are my favorite books." He felt his pump regulator speed up, he ran a diagnosis trying to figure out why.

"All of your books are very interesting. I understand why you have so many." He said, staring down at you. "I placed the clothes in the dryer earlier, they should be dry after you finish breakfast." You smiled up at him, glancing down at his clothes.

"Yeah, my clothes aren't big enough for you." You dragged your eyes over his chest, even if it was one of your biggest shirts it was still tight against him. You blushed again at how obvious you were being as you stared. "Um, you can take some of the books you haven't finished to the precinct if you want. You can read them when you spend nights there." You backed up "While you do that I'm going to go finish my breakfast." You walked away, trying to will away the dumb blush on your face.

Once you got your yogurt from the coffee table in the living room, you sat down on your couch. Letting yourself sink into the cushions. You ate silently, not bothering with turning on the tv or music. You finished the quick snack, throwing it away in the trash can under the sink.

You remembered the clothes that Connor had mentioned. You were a little sad Connor was going to have to change back into his regular uniform. He looked so good in your tight clothes. You wiped the smile off your face and walked to the laundry room.

"Connor! Come get your clothes!" You yelled as you entered the room, pulling the clothes from the dryer. You heard his footsteps as he walked up to you, handing him his clothes. "You can change in the bathroom."

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