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"You two left to get dinner and didn't even ask if I wanted to come? Even after I did the reports!" Hank sounded offended, his partner and best friend forgetting about him. He could care less about Connor.

"Sorry, Hank. It just completely slipped my mind, plus I wanted to get out of there before I lost my badge." You apologized, a smile on your lips.

"Woah, Fowler threatened you with that? His little angel?" Hank scoffed "That man has a weird way of showing he cares."

You chuckled "Yeah well, knowing him as long as we have, we know what to expect." There was a pause, Hank focusing on something else on the other end.

"Where are you guys goin' anyway?" You heard papers being shuffled.

"It's a secret." Connor said, loud enough for Hank to hear him with the phone against your ear. The old man was silent for a few seconds before he spoke.

"You have your gun right?" He whispered. You laughed at that, rolling your eyes at the absurd question.

"Hank... " you trailed off.

"You're right, what am I saying. You always have your gun."

Connor extended his hand out, silently asking if he could use your phone. You handed it to him and he brought it up to his ear. "You can trust me, Lieutenant. I'll take good care of her." You heard Hank screaming from the phone, you couldn't really make anything out. "I would never put her in danger sir." The android smiled at you. "Okay I will. Goodbye Lieutenant." Connor hung up the phone, handing it back to you.

"You will what?" You asked, shoving the phone into your pocket.

"Lieutenant Anderson, requested that I 'get your mind off things'. Tonight shall be solely dedicated to doing so." You flinched when Connor suddenly wrapped his arm around your shoulder, gently pulling you down onto his chest. "I suggest you rest your eyes for the rest of the drive. I'll play some music." You shifted your head so you could look up at him, a blush dusting over your cheeks.

He gazed down at you, a softness coming from his chocolate brown eyes. "Are you going to rest too?" You questioned. He shook his head.

"I do not require any rest." He reached forward, squishing your face against his jacket a little more. 'Across the universe' started playing, just barely reaching your ears but still taking away some of the fatigue of the day off your shoulders. You sighed, laying your ear flush against his chest again. You felt heavy, as if you couldn't hold yourself up anymore.

Why did you feel so tired?


Connor shook you, not daring to tap his hand against your face. Wanting you to wake without any panic jumping into your system. "(Y/N)?" He was just above a whisper, delicately brushing your hair behind your ear. Your eyelids fluttered open, your pupils dilating once they focused on Connor.

"We there?" Connor liked the way you sounded when you woke up. You spoke quieter, your already soft voice even softer.

"Yes, we're here." He replied. You took in a deep breath as you sat up, covering your mouth as you yawned.

You looked out the window, seeing no restaurants or food places in sight. "Where are we?" You asked and looked back over to him.

"Next to a small park. There was a taco truck by here that had good reviews." The android reached over you to open the door, as if personal space wasn't programmed in him. You thanked him anyways, stepped out of the car and stared at the shop in front of you. There was a variety of old antique furniture, you stepped a little closer. Looking at the small lamp that was displayed at the front of the window.

Something New |Connor x reader| Where stories live. Discover now