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You winced at the cracking sound Perkin's nose made when Hank's fist smashed into it. And when you noticed Fowler rushing towards the scene you knew you should be anywhere else but here. "Okay, let's go." You ran around your desk, following after Connor. Everyone was too busy staring at Hank and Fowler to notice the two of you running towards the evidence room.

You pulled the door open and rushed over to the basement door. Connor went to pull the door open, stopping when an all to annoying asshole chose to follow the two of you in. "Hey, Connor!" You stepped out from behind the android, glaring at Gavin. "And (Y/N)." He paused momentarily, furrowing his brow. "Didn't Fowler just tell you, you're off the case." He motioned to Connor. "And we surely don't need any plastic pricks around here anymore." He looked between the both of you. "What are you two doing."

You rolled your eyes. Connor also felt... annoyed with this man. "I've been ordered to return to CyberLife. I'm going to register the evidence in my possession and then I'm going to leave immediately." Gavin nodded and motioned towards you.

"Why are you here?"

"He can't get into the evidence room without me." You said. Connor noticed how uncomfortable you looked speaking with Gavin.

"Alright..." Gavin stepped forward to whisper to Connor "be careful on your way back... androids have a tendency of, huh... Getting themselves set on fire these days..." You looked towards the rat of a man and scowled at him. You slammed your fist against the wall and stomped over to him.

You got right in his face and fisted the front of his shirt. "Shut the fuck up, Gavin." He stumbled back. "You still haven't learned how to be a civil fucking human being yet, have you?" You shoved him back. "You better be careful on your way home. Assholes like you have a tendency of getting the shit beat out of them." You glared at him "Next words I hear from you better be an apology, because I still haven't heard one from your last idiotic rant."

He flattened the front of his shirt and glared at you, turning on his heel to walk out of the room. You sighed and walked back over to the door. "Thank you." Connor said, getting you to look up at him.

"Nobody messes with my partner." You pulled the door open and motioned forward. Connor entered and ran down the stairs, You close behind him. You skid to a stop in front of the glass door, and slam your keycard into the keypad.

"How much time do we have?" You asked, as you rushed in, getting to the module in the middle of the room.

"Two minutes thirty seconds." Connor replied, immediately grabbing the statue once the wall came forward. "Ortiz's android told me something after the interrogation. 'The truth is inside.' I wasn't sure what it meant at the time, but now I have an idea." You watched as he shook the statue and smashed it against the evidence wall.

"What is it?" You asked, speeding over to him.

"It's a piece of a map. It must be the area Jericho is located." He handed you the paper and looked over to the android he shot at the tv station. His LED turned yellow as he scanned it. He quickly scanned the other android at the opposite end of the evidence wall and quickly walked over to it. You looked away when he tugged a bicomponent out of its jaw.

"What are you doing?" You asked as he walked past you again.

"I have to reactivate the android from the tv station. It's likely he knows where Jericho is if he's come in contact with Markus." Connor stepped in front of the JB300 and shoved the component into his jaw, taking a step back.

You could see that the androids eyes were completely blue, and when they started to dart across the room you knew he couldn't see. "It's dark... where... Where am I?"

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