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The drive home was short and quiet. You had nothing to say and were too exhausted to even think about a conversation. Connor had to practically drag you into the house. He set you down on the couch, sitting next to you. "Are you going to sleep?" He asked.

You shook your head, sitting up a little. Rubbing your eyes, trying to get yourself to wake up a little. "I want to talk." You said, shifting your position so that you sat facing him.

He tilted his head to the side, giving you a questioning look. "What would you like to talk about?"

You looked off to the side "I want to ask more questions... about the hand holding." You pulled off your beanie, messing with it. The fabric was soft and the fuzz on it came off on your pants. You finally glanced up at Connor's face, trying to read him. He grabbed the beanie from your hands and tossed it to the coffee table.

His fingers tapped against yours, as if asking permission to hold your hand. "Ask away." He said. You slide your hands into his, trying to memorize the way his skin rubbed against yours.

"I know you said it comforts you... but how does it make you feel?" You blushed, staring at his tie rather than his face. "What goes through your head?" He let go of your hands, wrapping his hands around your wrists. Applying pressure with his thumb against your pulse.

"My system has a tendency to malfunction multiple times when I'm around you." He spread his hands out, sliding them up to the junction of your elbows. "Touching you is the only relief I have. It's strange, I don't think it's normal for even human standards." He lifted your left arm, running his thumb over the dark scar that had appeared in the place of the gash you had yesterday. The way he touched your arm was gentle, as if he was trying to memorize the impurities on your skin. He huffed, looking down at your coffee table. "I won't deny, I've been curious about other places."

You let out a nervous laugh, shivering when his hands continued to ghost up your arms. "I hope I'm not causing a problem. I don't want you shutting down on me." You said quietly, not wanting to break the comfortable atmosphere. He stared into your eyes, his pupils dilating. He was scanning you again.

"I can't shut down." He stated, brushing his hands up your shoulders across your neck and to your cheeks. He ran his thumbs underneath your eyes, your eyelashes getting brushed slightly. "But I may freeze." He weaved his fingers into your hair, pulling you forward a small bit. You didn't break eye contact with the android. His shattered LED, yellow and flickering. He leaned down a bit, pressing his forehead against yours. Your noses brushed against each other's, and you could see every shade of brown in his iris. All you wanted to do was close that small gap, but you knew you shouldn't. Connor had to be the one to make the move. "May I kiss you?" He asked. You nod, sliding your hand up to the knot of his tie.

You were trembling when he lightly brushed his lips against yours, testing the waters. Doing it again when you didn't pull away, pressing them firmly to yours. You wanted to cheer, scream do something but the contact made you freeze, melt, and refreeze. You were in heaven, loving the way his lips moved against yours. He tilted your head back, deepening the kiss. His lips were unbelievably soft, and it just felt right to be kissing the android. He pulled you onto his lap, keeping his hands in your hair. You buried your hands into his hair, smiling when he let out the smallest of sighs.

You squeaked as one of his hands landed on your hip, breaking the kiss to look into his eyes. Your hand trailed down his chest, the position you were in finally smacking you in the face. You laid your forehead against his again. He looked dazed, and to your surprise he had the smallest smile on his lips.

"How did you feel about that?" You asked, inspecting his face for an answer.

His LED was still yellow, it had been for the last few minutes. "...Excitement?..." something dawned on him. He grabbed your arm to pull your hand down to his. "I think... your idea may work." He laid his palm flat against yours, pulling his skin back in a useless attempt to share himself with you."I have a new mission."

You smiled, bringing your other hand up to his face, stroking his cheek with your thumb. The skin there disappeared as well. "A-And that is?"

He paused, leaning into your touch. His LED flashed red, and his brows furrowed. His eyes blinked rapidly for a second before he spoke. "Save my people." He wrapped his fingers around your hand. "And prevent any conflict between the androids and humans."

"good plan." You rested your head on his shoulder, taking in a deep breath. "Can I join this mission?" You glided your hand down from his cheek to his chest again. "I think we'd make a great team."

Connor was staring down at you, he wrapped his arms around your waist. "I'd like that." He leaned down to kiss the top of your head.

You hummed softly, laying your head on his chest. His pump regulator lulled you to sleep.

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