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It was silent in the elevator. The only sound being the cables shuttering as it carried you and the boys up to your desired floor. The doors slid open, and you and Hank stepped out.

Hank paused and turned around, staring at Connor. "Connor?" He questioned, making you turn around and look at the android. He had his eyes closed, his LED glimmering yellow on his temple. "Hey Connor!" Hank said again, raising his voice. Connor twitched and his eyes shot open, he looked between the two of you. "You run out of batteries or what?"

You chuckled. "I'm sorry, I was making a report to CyberLife." He replied. You and Hank glanced at each other, before Hank spoke again. "Uh... Well, do you plan on staying in the elevator?" You walked away towards the suspect's apartment.

"No, I'm coming." Connor replied in an almost offended tone. Hank came up behind you, grabbing your shoulder and pushing you a little as he passed you.

"What do we know about this guy?" You asked, stopping so Connor could catch up with you.

"Not much, Just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding an LED under a cap." You all stopped in front of the door, you took note that it was worn and the wood was chipped.

"Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops." Hank voiced his annoyance, leaning on the wall next to the door. Connor raised his hand, racking his knuckles against the door. No noise came from the other side, so Connor pounded his fist against the door.

"Anybody home!" He shouted, again getting no response. Connor glanced over at Hank "Open up! Detroit police!"

Something fell on the other side, alerting you that there was someone or something inside. Hank took out his gun "get behind me." He said to you and Connor.

Connor used his arm to keep you behind him. You furrowed your brow and rolled your eyes at the action. Hank kicked the door open, causing small pieces of wood to fly into the air. Getting your gun out, You grabbed Connor's arm and pushed it down, walking passed him to get in. He watched your retreating form, his expression full of confusion. He wanted to stop you.

You pushed open a door to one of the rooms, moving on when you only found bags of birdseed. The floor creaked as your group walked further into the house, its planking was cracked and painted white from bird shit.

Hank waved you over to the door at the end of the hall, his pistol raised in the air. You gave a nod and he slammed into the door. Your scream filled the air as birds flew from the room. One smacking you in the face. Connor was quickly at your side.

"What the fuck is this!" Hank yelled, walking into the pigeon filled room. "Jesus, this place stinks." You and Connor were still in the hall, he was checking your face. His thumb rubbed across a small cut on your cheek from the pigeons small claws. You blushed when you met his eyes.

"I'm fine." You said, gently pushing his hand away from your red face. "They just scared me." You brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear as you walked away. Ignoring the way your heart beat was ringing in your ears.

You came up behind Hank "See anything." You asked, dragging your eyes over the walls. Each one had markings you didn't recognize, they were way too perfect... No human could do something so precise.

"Only a few belongings, nothing important." Hank replied, tapping the birdcage on the ground with his foot. "This must've been the cause of the sound." You kneeled down, looking at the hook that had once held it up in the air.

"But how did it fall?" You questioned, standing up again. Hank just shrugged, going off to look out the window.

Connor walked over to a jacket, looking down at it. "R.T. Probably initials." He said, lifting it in the air.

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