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Hank was interrogating the android, he had told you to just sit out on this one. It annoyed you but you knew he was right, it had struck a nerve. To your surprise the observation room was completely silent, not even Gavin making comments on how Hank should just retire.

"Why'd you kill him?" Came the simple question, I frowned and crossed my arms. He was treating the android as if it was stupid, just trying to get this over with. "What happened before you took that knife?" A twitch of the lip was the only response. You leaned forward in your seat, resting your elbows on the desk in front of you. Tense silence filled the interrogation room. Hank bobbed his head in a tight nod. "How long were you in the attic. Why didn't you even try to run away?" His voice came off as calm but you could sense the boiling annoyance. It made you uncomfortable when Hank snapped his fingers in the deviant's face. You jumped when he slammed his hands against the table "Say something, goddamnit!"

More silence filled the room, the deviant still not moving whatsoever. Hank shook his head, pushing against the table and standing. "Fuck it, I'm outta here." He left the room and walked into the one you occupied. "We're wastin' our time interrogating a machine, we're gettin' nothing out of it." You could hear the agitation in his voice.

"We could always try roughing it up a little." Gavin spoke, causing you to glare up at him. He sent one right back at you "What? Like you have a better idea." He aimed the sarcastic tone towards you.

You stood up "Fix that tone Reed. I thought you learned your lesson the last time you decided to mess with me." You got in his face, not planning on backing down.

He all but stabbed his finger into your chest. "Watch it (L/N) before you take a bite bigger than you can chew." You smacked his hand, hard enough for the sound to echo in the room. Chris winced, looking over at the both of you.

"Androids don't feel pain, you would only damage it, and that wouldn't make it talk." Connor's voice broke through the tension. You smirked, this time shoving your finger into Gavin's chest.

"Yeah dumbass, you really think aggression is the answer to everything." Gavin scowled and grabbed your wrist, hard enough that it made a popping sound. You ripped your hand away, not moving from your position and refusing to back down. Hank tugged you back into your seat, giving you a dissatisfied look.

Connor continued to speak "Deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations." Gavin turned his glare to Connor.

"Okay, smartass. What should we do then?" You clenched your jaw, really wanting to punch him.

"I could try questioning it." Connor suggested, getting an exaggerated laugh from Gavin. He looked at Hank and pointed at Connor before leaning back against the wall. You looked at Hank, cracking a smile when you could tell he was willing to try anything.

"What do we have to lose? Go ahead, suspects all yours." He said, right as you looked at Gavin and flipped him off. Hank smacked your hand down and turned your chair away from Gavin, towards the interrogation room.

You watched as Connor entered the interrogation room, silently he walked over to the table. He opened the case folder, glancing at the pictures within it. Once he shut the folder he sat down, staring at the deviant. His eyes looking all over the other android, scanning him again to see if anything had changed.

You leaned forward in your seat, waiting for Connor to speak. "I detect an instability in your program." He began, his voice firm. Stating what he observed through his advanced eyes. "It can trigger an unpleasant feeling. Like fear in humans." Silence again, the deviant still not reacting. You were getting worried that it was too damaged.

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