CH. 24

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You stared up at the ceiling absentmindedly, feeling groggy and miserable with how heavy your body felt, too much rest and healing drugs pumping through you.

Hank and Connor hadn't visited. You weren't sure why, but with what you saw on the news you could guess it had to do with all the Androids being freed. A deep sigh left your lips as you finally pressed the button next to your bed.

You bought your left hand into your lap and flexed the plastic fingers. It felt easier... like everything had healed overnight. But, you were still required to have two more physical therapy sessions.

The physical therapist walked in with a practiced smile, giving you a a nod in greeting. He set a few things down on the counter across the room.

"How are you feeling (Y/N)?" He asked, walking over and checking your arm.

"I'm fine." You mumbled, sitting up in a more comfortable position.

"That's good to hear. It looks like your arm is pretty much healed." He checked a few things off on his tablet and set that aside. "We'll be able to let you go tomorrow morning." You frowned, staring at him with a hopeless look.

"I thought I'd be let go later tonight?" You watched as he grabbed the syringe, getting it ready for after the session. "I only have one more of these right?"

He nodded and stood at the edge of the bed, motioning for you to begin. "Three days (Y/N). Not two days and almost a third." You lifted both your arms knowing exactly how this went. "It'll go by quick, after your last session you'll get a large dosage of what we've been giving you."

You were getting tired of sleeping... which you had previously thought was impossible. You tapped each of your fingers against your palm, repeating the motion three times over. You must've looked upset enough for the nurse to speak up.

"I understand it's hard." He motioned for you to move onto the next part. "But you'll be home free soon."

You didn't say anything and started to stretch your arms forward as far as possible, spreading your fingers out. You've done the same exercises over and over again. Your normal arm was sore in places you didn't know could get sore. It was pissing you off.


The new physical therapist smiled at you as she entered, holding something on a small plate. "Hello (Y/N)!" She walked over, still not showing you what she had while she got everything ready.

"Hello." You rubbed your eyes, trying to get the drugged induced sleep out of them.

"How's the arm feeling?" She asked.

"It's pretty good, I haven't experienced any pain." You leaned to the side to try and catch a glimpse of what she had.

"That's very good." She turned around and held out the small plate. "I know you've been having a hard time with this, a lot of people do." You stared down at the cookie, slowly taking the plate from her. "I just wanted to give you a reward for your hard work. You've made my job easy." You smiled up at her, feeling as if you could cry with how emotional you felt.

"Thank you so much." You picked up the cookie with your plastic arm and took a bite out of it. A small hum came from you, not having a cookie this good in years.

"They're my favorite in the cafeteria." She mumbled and started to inspect the seam of your arm. "We'll be activating the synthetic skin today." You paused in your enjoyment and looked over at her.

"Synthetic skin?" You said with a mouth full of cookie.

She chuckled. "It's what androids have, it'll help you feel just a little more normal. It'll also keep people from staring." She set her tablet down and took the plate from you. You quickly finished the cookie and started your exercises.

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