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The car was filled with silence as Hank drove to the precinct. You didn't feel like trying to start up a conversation, too distracted by your thoughts. Hating that even now, when it feels as if it happened yesterday, I stood no chance against the holes in my chest.

Your parents had been ripped away so suddenly. Having them cut out so invasively, without a warning it felt like whiplash. Gavin was lucky... If he had said that anywhere else you would have actually killed him. Choked him until he turned purple and stopped breathing.

You didn't know if that made you a bad person, to feel that way.

What made the pit in your stomach twist was that he was right. You had no one. Sure you had Hank and he helped a lot, but he wasn't the same.

Nothing was the same.

You glanced up at Connor in the front seat, biting the inside of your cheek. He made you feel different. The way he denies himself freedom when he so clearly deserves it, it intrigued you. And the fact he was obviously so different from every android. The way he moved, thought, talked... it all being unique in a way. Maybe it was because he was a prototype but damn he looked and acted so goddamn human.

He made those thoughts go away, if only for a moment. No one, not even Fowler could do that... you felt selfish for wanting Connor to want you too.


Hank parked the car in front of the Precinct and leaned back into his seat. "Think Jeffrey has yelled at Gavin yet?" He directed his question towards you, but you didn't respond. You didn't even hear him speak. He looked at you in the rear view mirror. "(Y/N)?"

You jumped at the sound of your name, whipping your head to the front. "Yeah?" You noticed how both Connor and Hank looked concerned as they stared at you.

"You sure you're alright? I can ask Jeffrey to give you the day off." Hank knew having shit like this happen usually brought up dark thoughts. Having some time alone may do some good. But you thought otherwise.

"No!" You nearly screamed. "I... I'm fine." You looked back out of the car.

"(Y/N), would you like to talk about it?" Connor asked, tilting his head to the side. You locked eyes with him, wanting to curl in on yourself when you did so. His utterly concerned expression making your stomach flip.

"No." You hid from his gaze by looking over at Hank "I think we should go through the evidence. Maybe there's something we missed." You suggested. Only to have Hank get that look on his face, that told you he was worried and was going to voice that worry, so you interrupted him. "Really guys, I'm fine. Now let's just focus on the case. Alright?"

Both of them gave a nod, Hank speaking first "You two go though the evidence. I'll file our reports." He got out of the car, leaving you alone with Connor.

"May I ask you a personal question?" Connor asked, staring forward in his seat.

You shut your eyes and frowned. "Sure."

"Is the death of your parents the reason you dislike going home alone?" He shifted in his seat so he was facing you as he finished speaking, searching your face.

You weren't surprised. He was observant and him noticing you loathed being alone was what you expected. "Yeah, I... they were always with me. Just waiting at home for me to get back from work." You had to look away from him. Trying and failing to hide the way talking about them affected you. "Going home everyday to an empty house... it just gets harder and harder." He shifted in his seat so he could extend his hand out to you. You placed yours in his, getting a little comfort from the contact. "Can I ask you a question, Connor?"

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