16 | need a ride?

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16 | need a ride? 

WHEN I STEP out of the washroom after showering in a haste, my phone pings. Gauri isn't home today so I have to prepare my breakfast. I hate when she leaves me alone but I understand that she needs to meet her father since he's only home a few days in a month. Tying my hair in a up do, I snatch my phone from the table and immediately check the messages. It's Satan and I wonder what he wants so early in the morning.

Satan Reincarnated; 6:21, Need a ride?

Me; 6:21, Bring me a cup of coffee and a burger while you're at it ;) will you?

Satan Reincarnated; 6:22, if that's what you want

When I look in the mirror, there's a silly grin stretched across my face. Of course, it's because I'm getting free burger and coffee, right? Yeah, right. There can't be any other reason for this silly smile.

I glance at the clock and then stroll to my closet. Grabbing a light pink shirt and formal pants along with a white belt, I throw them on. This time along, unlike other days, I actually make an effort with the nest of bird that my hair is. I french braid them and just when I am taking out my office heels, my phone buzzes.

Satan Reincarnated; 6:34, Be in parking lot in 5

Was he like waiting for me to yes or what? How the heck did he weave through Mumbai traffic in 15 minutes?

Slipping inside my heels, I grab my purse and phone. I take my keys off the counter and lock the door. When I reach the parking lot, I see his sleek Mercedes parked and Shivaay leaning against the door. He's wearing a  checkered suit and his hair is tousled to a side. More like just got out of bed hair which looks amazing. When he glances up to meet my eyes, he gives me a dazzling smile.

I'm disoriented for a moment that I have to halt in my steps. The smile so perfectly frames his face that I swear I must have swooned. This smile, it perfectly accentuates his feature. When he smiles like this, there's a little crinkle by his eyes. This seems so genuinely sweet that it sends unexpected warmth rushing through my body.

I bite down my lip, fighting back a smile when his smile remains on his face.

God, what is happening to me?

"Here," He says, handing me my cup of coffee and burger. I take it gratefully and get in shotgun when he opens the door with his car keys. Sipping my coffee, I strap my seatbelt and get comfortably, ready to put my feet on the dashboard. "Oh, no, no, no. You're so not making my baby dirty by doing that." He reprimands me and I scowl. What's with guys and their obsession with cars?

"Dare you keep your feet up there, Kitten." He turns back to the wheel and pulls out of the parking lot. It's a quiet ride since I'm busy eating my breakfast. Yes, I know a burger so early in the morning is not healthy but who cares. Shivaay keeps giving me disgusted looks when I am accidentally about to spill my coffee over his car. When the car comes to a halt and he gets out of it, I smirk as I feign spilling coffee all over the seat.

"Oh my, my, I am so sorry, Shivaay. I swear I didn't mean to do that at all. Shivaay's horror struck face makes me laugh so hard that I almost cry from joy. "Gosh, that look..." I laugh, not caring about the stares I was receiving from people or more like the glare Satan is shooting at me.

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