18 | you planning to take me on a date?

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18 | you planning to take me on a date?

I NUDGE SHIVAAY awake when his phone is continuously buzzing from the past 15 minutes. The name Khanna had been flashing on his phone. It seems important otherwise I would never wake a person and disturb a person's sleep.

I absolutely love sleeping.

It's one of my most favorite things to do. And I hate when somebody disturbs my sleep so I know better than to disturb somebody else's.

After I nudge him twice, Shivaay grunts and snuggles closer into my lap, which is basically snuggling into my stomach. I freeze.

This is not good. So not good for my health.

"Shivaay." My voice comes out strained, he mumbles 'a let me sleep' and I prod his side again. "Shivaay. You need to wake up, you're phone has been irritating me."

He eventually sits up groggily after protesting for a while and checks his phone. Sighing, he runs a hand through his hair and throws his phone on the couch.

"Was it important?" I ask, wondering if I had delayed some important work of his.

"Kind of," he brushes off and I furrow my brows.

"What do you mean 'kind of'?"

"That it can wait because I'm busy right now." He grins sloppily and I shake my head at his blatant sarcasm. Obviously he doesn't mean that I'm more important than his work, does he? But why the heck do I want to be more important?

"Anyway, what would you like, tea or coffee?" I stretch my arms and yawn, rubbing my back because it hurts from staying in one position for too long. All because I wanted Satan to have a good sleep.

"Oh come on," Shivaay patronizing me, "you're sick. I'll make coffee since you prefer that–" I raise my eyebrows at that part. He knows but how? "–latte or espresso? You always have different preferences."

"You wanna know why I drink latte most of the times and espresso once in a while?" He nods, popping open the first couple buttons of his shirt. "Excuse me? I'm not in a for a stripping session."


My brain chants because everybody would like that. It would be a very nice view. Careful Anika, the pervert inside you is showing.

"Relax! I'm not here for a strip dance if that's what you were hoping for. It's just quite hot here, ya know?"


"Ugh. Whatever. Can you make a chocolate milkshake for me?" I plead. "I really want that." When he looks like he's about to shake his head in a no, I sugar coat my voice a little more. "Pretty please?" Puppy eyes are the best because when I make my best puppy dog face he caves in.

After he goes in the kitchen to prepare that heaven for me, I stretch my roots on the couch in an attempt to soothe my back. The pain has increased and I don't want to take painkillers because they mess up my dates.

Just when I'm about to drift off, Shivaay pokes my side. The sight of chocolate milkshake with extra scoops of vanilla ice cream makes my mouth water. I greedily grab it and munch on the ice cream. It's just as delicious as it looked.

"So what are you plans for the coming weekend?" He asks, plopping down beside me and wrapping his arm on the back of the couch.

"I'm visiting home. It's been a while," I reply.

The last week I had rang up on mom who had scolded me a lot for not calling as often as I used to. When I had apologized profusely, she had gone all sentimental and made me cry along with her because damn, I felt homesick. I also talked to dad and he proposed the idea that I should come home this weekend since I want to visit Dadi as well. Her condition has been worsening.

The prospect of going home makes me excited.

"Oh. You're busy." Something like disappointment laces his voice and I wonder if it's my ears playing tricks with me or if I heard him correctly.

"Yeah, so what. You planning to take me on a date or something, Satan?" I joke, chuckling.

"Something like that," He mumbles and I choke on the chocolate milkshake I'm drinking. He did not just say that. He rubs my back and mutters a curse and rebukes me for not even knowing how to drink.

"Come on, kitten. Are you trying to kill yourself, huh? I can't lose you, dammit so please avoid these near death experiences." I had expected his voice to be teasing but instead it's serious and looks like he actually means it. Surprised by his soft tone, I twist my head to his side. He ignores my questioning stare. 

"I'm okay," I breathe, rubbing my throat a bit. "You don't need to worry."

He mumbles something to himself that I can't write catch but I do hear the word 'always.'

"If you're so eager to go on a date with me then you can probably call this a movie date, maybe?" He mocks, shooting me a smirk.

"Keep dreaming, Satan."

"Of you? Always, Kitten." He winks at me and I can't help but turn a deep shade or red. This is not good. The butterflies that are exploding in my stomach and how my heart is suddenly on a marathon. So, so not good. "Anyway, I gotta go. You take care." He gets up and ruffles my hair. Suddenly he leans over me and I panic, thinking he's going to kiss me.

But to my very relief, he only takes his coat from the armrest. When he waves me goodbye and is long out of my vision, I close the door.

Was it really relief or disappointment that had surged inside me?


I know it's short and I'm sorry. But it's all I can manage. I have exams coming up the next week and we are having continuous tests.

Anyway, this is going to be the last chapter that will be updated this week and the coming week. The next update won't be till 28th or 29th of July.

Dedicating this to logastellus_x as a late birthday wish. Also, I would love to know more about you because you seem like a very cool person

Vote and comment please :)

Much love,
Until next update,
Kriti x

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