34 | shit has hit the fan

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34 | shit has hit the fan

I PICK UP my phone and open up Shivaay’s chats. I am about to message him to pick me up when I see his previous message. From the past couple of days, he has been sending me lyrics of song and had told me to guess them. I find it really odd but didn’t say a thing.

Satan Reincarnated; 3:21, In my dreams, you're with me, we’ll be everything I want us to be…

Shaking my head at these messages, I drop him a text to pick me up. I start to collect my things, throwing them in haphazardly. Threading my fingers through my hair, I try to make myself look a bit more presentable. My hair is all over the place so I try to flatten it.

My phone rings and I pick it up without really looking at the caller ID. A smile forms on my face as I hear the voice on the other end. The last time I visited home, we sorted everything out. She apologized for keeping it from me and I knew where she was coming from so yeah, everything went fine.

“Maa, nameste.” I strap my bag and walk to the lift. “Everything is fine as of right now. You tell me, how is everything at home?”

“It’s fine but mummy ji’s health is worsening day by day.” I bite my lip so hard that it bleeds but this is nothing compared to the way my heart is bleeding at the moment. I don’t think I am ready to discuss anything about this matter with mom because she just makes everything worse by that wavering voice and sniffling. I won’t be able to take it.

I come up with an excuse so I don’t have to talk about it. “Mom, Shivaay is here to pick me up, call you later?”

“Oh, right, Shivaay. He’s such a lovely boy, so chivalrous. I am so happy that you are dating him, Anika.” I flush at that, not my mom too. I reach the parking lot to find it deserted. My sorry arse can’t keep up with time and missed the bus again.

“I am not dating him.” Mom begins to protest that I am obviously lying. “Seriously, maa. We are not dating though I want to.”

“What even? Why the hell not?” Face palming myself, I tell her I am about to cut the call. “Don’t you dare hang up on me, Anika Rakesh Agrawal. Give Shivaay the phone, I want to talk to him.”

As if on cue, his Mercedes rolls in inside and I see Shivaay Singh Oberoi talking out in all his glory. “I am not giving him the phone, you’ll embarrass me, mom,” I whine.

“Give him the phone, honey, or I can very well call him because I do have his number saved. In fact, he’s probably in my recently dialed.” A frown dances upon my lips. Somebody please tell my mom that I am her child and not Shivaay.

“Who are you talking to, Kitten?” Shivaay asks, wrapping his arms around me from the back.

“Nobody, Shivaay.” I am about to hang up on mom when Shivaay snatches the phone out of my hands. “Hey!” I yell defiantly.

“Oooooh, it’s maa.” He puts the phone to his ear and his chin comes to rest upon my shoulder. “Nameste maa, I’m fine.” As he talks to her, his stubble brushes against my neck and I find it hard to stand on two. On top of that, one of his palm run down my arm. “I’m doing fine. Yeah, coming home soon.” I shiver and before I see the smirk, I feel it. I know he’s smirking, amused by the reaction he is earning from me.

“Shivaay,” I whisper. “Stop.”

This only provokes him to do more. His lips brush against the sensitive are of my neck and bloody hell, it feels good. Anika, control. I pull away from him and grab the key from his hands. Walking towards his car, I unlock it and sit inside. I wait for Shivaay to finish his chat with mom who seems to love him more than she loves me.

I start to hum a song and wonder what I am going to do to ask him out. I need to make a good confession, tell him how much he has come to mean to me. He deserves to know what I really feel about him. But I don’t know how.

That’s when it hit me. What am I good at? Singing. So maybe, I could write a song and convey my feelings through it. A bright smile forms on my face because I finally know what I want to do. And now this won’t be too hard.

The car door unlocks and Shivaay gets in, passing me my phone. “Ready to go home this weekend?”

“Of course, I am. Now hurry up, will you? I need to sleep.” In truth, I need to write out that song because it won’t be a piece of cake.

Shivaay Singh Oberoi, be ready for it.

I grope around for my phone and I am ready to throw it away when I realize that it will be my loss. I hold the phone to my ear, “who the fuck is this?”

“Wohaaa, there, easy.” I open my eyes and squint at the screen.

“OMKARA SINGH OBEROI, YOU KNOW I LOVE MY SLEEP SO HOW DARE YOU.” If I could, I would have gotten inside the phone and kicked him in the balls.

“Anika, before you get mad at me, hear me out. Had it not been important, I wouldn’t dare to call you at this hour.”

“It better be important,” I grumble, throwing off the covers. I cross my legs and let out a yawn.

“I can’t tell you on phone,” He says and I sit up straight.

My voice is low and dangerous. “If you couldn’t then why the hell did you call?”

“Let me finish, okay? I am outside your house so open the damned gate. I have been ringing the bell from past fifteen minutes,” He says in a condescending tone.

“Uh-oh.” Slipping into my slippers, I stroll out of my room and open the door. Since Gauri is not here, I have sleeping my ass off because I had a holiday today.

“Oh my, my, didn’t you open the door too soon, Anika?” He mocks, inviting himself in. He sits down on the sofa after opening his shoes near the shoe rack.

“If I feel that you have woken me up for no good reason, I swear to god Omkara, I will be the last thing you see,” I grit my teeth, not really happy that my sleep had been disturbed.

“It is.”

As he proceeds to tell me, I do know that my sleep wasn’t disturbed for a silly reason. In fact, Shivaay will be the one who will find it hard to sleep now.


like, let’s not even talk about what utter bakwass chapter this is.

and i know it’s extremely short. barely 1169 words. but please bare with me. school is getting hectic and i am finding hard to even write these short chapters. kindly cooperate loves.

and if i can manage, there will be an update by tomorrow or the day after.

anyway, please let me know what you think about this chapter (good or bad).

love, Kriti x

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