23 | don't want you to go

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23 | don't want you to go


MY EMOTIONS ARE all over the place. Tears cloud my vision as I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around myself. The bristle wind brushes my face as tears roll down. Every time I think about it, I can't breathe. My breathing becomes shallower and heartbeat slows down.

"Shush... don't cry, we'll get through it, Kitten." Shivaay's voice cut through the mess that is my emotions. He rubs soothing circles on my back but it does little to calm me.

I had just told him about Dadi's condition which my parents have told me a few hours ago. I still couldn't believe they would hide such a vital piece of information from me.

For as long as I can remember, she was the one I hid behind when mum and dad were scolding me. She would save me from them and she was the one who had a secret stash of chocolates for me–not mom, not dad. It was Dadi. I remember throwing tantrums and Dadi had been the one who fulfilled my ridiculous demands.

In summers, she used to take me out for walks and ice cream. And when winter used to roll around, she would knit me a sweater and wrap me up in her arms.

My Dadi, my sweet Dadi, she wouldn't leave me, will she? She will fight against cancer, right? Just like she had fought against all the odds in her life. As cancer wouldn't be her undoing.

"She won't leave, Shivaay. She can't," I whimper, the words sounding so weak as I say them aloud.

"You need to be strong for her, Kitten. You get a chance to say goodbye, don't let it go to waste," He says, sitting across me and threading his fingers through mine. "But it's okay if you're not okay now. We'll come around. You wanna go see her tomorrow?" 

"Yes, please, I need to see her but I don't know if I can handle it." My voice comes out as a mere whisper and my heart aches. God, what will I do? 

He tucks his fingers under my chin and in spite of how grave the whole situation is a whole lot of butterflies explode in my stomach, "I'll be there if you need me." 

I manage to give him a watery smile and then remembering the reason why he is in Pune in the first place makes my stomach twist guiltily. "I'm the worst friend ever for not asking but how are you holding up?" 

With the room completely dark, nothing but the twilight light to illuminate it, I see Shivaay's eyes twinkle mischievously. "Oh, so I am your friend now? I thought you would never admit it." He manages to make me laugh and when I do, a soft smile creeps up on his face. 

"Yes, Shivaay. I am admitting it, I am not that stubborn you know." I tease, the whole mood turning light. Somehow, even when my heart is breaking, for a moment I am able to forget my problem. It's a god gift how he can turn a heavy moment into a really light in no time. "But come on, tell me, how are you doing?" 

He pushes himself towards my side and we sit beside each other, leaning on the bed and staring out of the window. It's all quiet and I take this an opportunity to admire the stars that litter the sky. A hand wraps around my shoulder and I angle my head on his shoulder. "I am not okay because you're not okay, Agrawal." 

His words take time to settle in and when they do, I feel all warm inside. The fact that he cares makes me feel so grateful towards him. When I had called him then it was only because he was the only one in Pune right now. Initially, when I had picked up my phone, I had dialed Rohit's number. He was the first person on my emergency number list and then there was Gauri. But I guess I have one more person to add to that list. 

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