31 | my favorite person

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31 | my favorite person


You’re beautiful and everytime you smile, I trip. You’re my first love and I want my everything first to be with you.



SEJAL WRAPS HER arms around me in a hug. As I ruffle her hair she laughs and literally squeezes me to death while mumbling, “I missed ya, Shivaay.”

“Is this your way of killing me? By squeezing me to death?” I ask in a humorous tone.

She releases me, “When I’ll kill you then the death is not going to be this painless. Besides, you won’t want to die in my arms but rather somebody else’s, right?” She whispers the last part.

My face flushed because Anika is just nearby. I can feel her heel bouncing up and down because she’s nervous. “True that.”

“Wait. Did you just blush?” Sejal says in disbelief. She stares at me in awe and brings her hand to pinch my cheek but I swat it away.

“No, I absolutely did not. Blushing is not manly and Shivaay Singh Oberoi damn well does not blush.” I scowl at her but that sounds so fake. It’s not even believable.

“Trying to be the typical bad boy, now are we?” Sejal rolls her eyes.

“You know I don’t need to try, Sel! I'm blessed with that bad boy charm.” Now that we are not talking about Anika anymore, I don't feel so flustered. She’s the first girl which has ever made me feel this way. I don’t recall any of the times a girl had affected me this way. Usually, when it comes to girls, flirting, pick up lines, cockiness comes to me naturally but when it comes to her, I am not sure what happens to the Cheeky Shivaay. He just seems to go on a break and all that is left is a freaked out Shivaay who is unable to get his shit together and talk to a damn woman.

“Who are you trying to fool, huh? Hun, we all know you might have the cheekiness of our typical bad boy and that smirking ability–” that itself causes me to smirk, “–yes that’s what I am talking about–but darling you are a muffin and an absolute softie.” Sejal chuckles at NY distraught face.

“Jeez, be a little less blunt next time, yeah? No need to walk all over a man’s ego.” I frown and turn to Anika who’s playing with the hem of my jacket. The fact that she’s wearing my jacket makes my heart melt. I find it absolutely adorable and then there’s the fact that she manages to make it look way too good.

“Kitten, meet Sejal, my bhabhi.” I grab her hand in mine and envelop it with my hand. I turn around to Sejal but even before seeing I know her eyes are on our linked hands. “And Sejal, meet Anika Agrawal, the girl who’s totally adorable when she embarrasses herself.”

Anika glares at me but I can that her cheeks have already turned red. Before giving Anika a warm smile, Sejal leans into me and whispers, “Otherwise known as the girl who stole your heart, I’m guessing.” I open my mouth to reprimand her but she turns to Anika with such a flawless smile I find myself speechless.

“I have heard all about you. From this guy over here and of course, my monkeys. They wouldn’t stop talking about you after I picked them up.” Anika brightens up at that, looking all too elated with herself. A smile crawls its way up to my face and I look away before either of them can see me. “Oh shit, I forgot to invite you guys in. C’mon, inside now.” As the two woman walk inside together, I find myself smiling. I have a feeling these two are going to hit it off together pretty well.

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