13 | in his arms

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13 | in his arms

I STARE AT him, getting lost in the intensity of his blue eyes. The soft smile he sends me has my heart exploding and I like the way I feel. It's like a never felt before kind of emotion. For a long, long moment we stare into each other's eyes.

"Sorry, you can go in there now." The guard apologizes to me and I snap back to my senses, remembering the purpose we were here.

"Wait!" I exclaim. "I'm not your date."

"Kitten, if you want to go to the party, you have to be my date or else you can let your pretty little dress and make up go to waste." He grins and I glare at him. What happened to him actually smiling?

I roll my eyes, "Fine, let's get going." Shivaay slips his fingers inside mine and I look at him but he's oblivious to the eruption of feelings that he's causing inside me. What kind of guy is he? Sometimes, he's so sweet and sometimes–most times–he's cocky and as jerk.

"You never told me who this Aashana is," I say, a bitter taste in my mouth when I remember whose party this is. I don't like the girl and I know it.

"Oh, she's my ex-girlfriend." He says nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders. My head while towards his direction so fast that I'm sure I would have had a whiplash. Ex-girlfriend? I thought exes maintained a certain distance. Then why is still on good terms with her?

"How long were you guys together?" I ask out of sheer curiosity.

"Oh, only a month or two. We kinda gave this whole thing a shot," He says, dragging me towards the door. I let my feet follow him as I debate whether to ask my next question or not. In the end, curiosity wins and I let the words tumble out of my mouth.

"How did you break up?"

"I thought you would ask," He says, shooting me a sly smirk. We enter the house and bam, it's a typical college type party. The living room–I think–has been cleared out to give space for the DJ. Neon lights flash around us and I see people dancing but at least not as grossly as teenagers tend to. The place reeks of alcohol. I scrunch up my nose when I see a guy shoving his tongue down a girl's throat. Is this Shivaay's idea of giving Gauri and Om a 'romantic setting'? "It was a mutual break up. We both realized it wasn't going to work out and decided we were better off as friends." He mumbles incoherently after that but due to the loud music I'm unable to hear anything.

"What?" I question as he continues to drag me to the bar. He orders a coke for me and a vodka for himself. I raise my eyebrow at his orders.

"Aren't you a little good girl, Kitten?" He smiles mockingly, clearly referring to the last time he saw me drunk. To day, I had embarrassed myself that day would be the understatement of the century. I can control my alcohol but when last time, I had drunk the whole bottle in one go, I had clearly lost my shit. And did I mention I always embarrass myself when I'm out of control?

"Order a vodka for me too before I punch you in your perfect white teeth." His smirk only deepens when he sees my irritated composure. Seriously, this guy can win a award for irritating me.

Ignoring him, I let my eyes take in the people who are dancing for someone at least remotely familiar. I see Rohit standing and chatting amicably with someone and I grin. Well, at least someone is here. "Be right back," I mumble to Shivaay, not really waiting for his response. I skip towards Rohit, a bounce in my steps. When he spots me, he stops talking. I give him a huge smile and loop my arms around his neck. He laughs loudly, kissing my hair.

"Someone's excited, huh." He chuckles and I bury my face in his neck, letting a few giggles escape when he twirls me around. I place a loud kiss on his cheek when he sets me down.

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