04 | surprises for you, kitten

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04 | surprises for you, kitten

IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT and I managed to miss the bus again. God, what will I do? I fidget at the thought of booking a cab again. If this continues, I will be broke. I so wish I had accepted dad's offer to buy me a car but no, stupid me had to decline everything. Why can't I just be a little selfish at times and accept someone's kind offer?! Urgh.

I walk out of the main gate of the building, along the footpath. I'm barely fifteen steps away from the building when a girl knocks straight into me causing me to spill the things in my hand. My bag flies down my shoulder and my keys fall to the ground; my files scatter on the ground as well.

I cock my head to the side, expecting an apology only to see a girl walking away briskly without even glancing back. The girl looks snobbish as she walks straight in her high heels, pencil skirt with a pale blue shirt. My mouth hangs open when my expected apology doesn't come. I huff and mumble, "Bitch."

I can almost hear mom's voice in my head as she chides me, "Anika, you can't just judge anyone because of one act. We all have our reasons so don't judge."

Fuming, I start to gather all my things. My hands freeze when I hear loud barking. The bag falls from my hand and I rigidly twist my body to see a large dog. It snaps its teeth and I cower. It barks again and I move backwards. It's so close to me that it won't take him long to bite me. Somebody help.

"Oh god. Oh god! Save me, I don't want to die so soon," I murmur quietly, fear seeping into my skin.

Dogs are cute when they are tied with a leash or when they are with their owners. I have been afraid of dogs for as long as I can remember. A vicious dog had bit me when I was four years old. So let's just say that I'm not a big fan of dogs.

There's loud chuckling which breaks through my bubble of fear. I turn to glare at the person who has the nerve to laugh at me but when I look at the source, I can't help but melt. Ashish Mehta stands there chuckling and looking handsome as ever. Why did god have to make him so painstakingly gorgeous? There's him and then there's me.

He kneels down and opens up his arms, softly cooing to the dog. The dog stops barking instead it wages his tail and tackles Ashish, licking his face lovingly. Ashish pats him and he cocks his head towards me. He smiles softly at me and beckons me to him. Even though I'm afraid, I take baby steps towards him. I'm sure my face reflects how much terrified I am because there's an amused twinkle in his eyes.

"It's okay," he nods to the dog who looked so vicious a minute ago but now looks innocent. People and dogs alike change colours so fast these days.

I do walk towards him but stand at a distance. He shakes his head at me and pats the dog again. The dog licks his hand, wages his tail a few times and walks away. Ashish turns to me with a very fond smile spread across his face.

"I am quite fond of dogs but looks like you aren't."

"I am not–" I'm 'bout to say Ashish but I catch myself in time, "–sir." I bend down to pick up my scattered things and he does too.

"Hang on, sir?" He gives me a perplexed look, passing me my keys.

"You don't know but I work in your company. I recently joined." I fix the strap of my bag and stand up.

"You do? I see," he muses, tilting his head in thought. "So how are you going home?"

"I'll just book a cab," I pull my phone out but he clasps his fingers around my wrist stopping me.

"Don't. I'll drop you. It's not nice to leave a lady in the middle of the road when you know she's in need for a ride." Wow. Such a gentleman.

I thank him and smile gratefully. He leads me to his car and politely opens the door for me. God, can he be any cuter or polite or whatever good adjectives?

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