36 | leave us alone

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36 | leave us alone


I HAD NOTICED her tears when I had stalked off angrily. I had noticed the way she bit the inside of her cheek and the wetness of her eyes and yet I hadn’t given a moment of shit to it because I was hurt. I still am.

And you know what, it feels fucking nice to see somebody else in pain when you are going through the same.

I know I am in the wrong for feeling this but damn, bitch, I really can’t care any less right now. I am such a mess. Like my life seems pretty much fucked up right now. The people who were once my parents come waltzing into my life, expecting everything is going to be just rainbows and sunshine? The worst part is not how they were acting that they had come back from a long trip but the fact it was my brother who had been talking to them for two fucking months.

Honestly, I don’t even know what I want to do right now. A part of me wants to cry like a small baby, the other part wants to scream and rest of it wants to smash every bloody thing in the world. I feel so hurt, so betrayed that my mind is exploding from a budding headache.

A strangled cry leaves my throat and I tug at the roots of my hair.

If it had been either one of them, it would have not affected me to this extent. To see that my life was ruined because they could not be with each other and now they are happily going around arm in arm is depressing. Couldn’t they have resolved their issues a bit sooner? In the time when we needed them to? Or even if they wanted to leave us, why did they do it in the most brutal way possible?

You wake up and you find yourselves in an empty home with a stupid letter telling they were never going to come back. The most usual scenario, right? Then you try and try calling them, begging them to come back to you but then you realize they don’t give two shits about you and your life. And when you finally try to get over them, they come bouncing back into your life.

To be honest, I don’t even get it why they care. It’s been almost ten years and suddenly, they seem to care. Like, what is up now? If they really wanted they would have worked on their relationship for both Om and I but no, they had to leave us to fend for ourselves.

I clench my fist together and stare at the empty road ahead of me. I still don’t feel numb. Instead, I am reminded of the painful memories. As if that wasn’t enough, I can remember every word of that letter. Back then, I had sat staring at the letters until I could no longer take it.

Honestly, they don’t deserve us. My parents are too much of a bitch to deserve us.

Over the course of time, I have come to terms with the fact that my parents are nothing but little piece of shit. And I hate them with every fibre of my being. I will continue to hate them. They made me hate myself, doubt myself, so much that I slipped into depression. It was because of them I spent nights wondering what I did wrong that both of my parents left me. I used to blame myself but no, they won’t do that to me again. I won’t let them break me again.

I am going to tell them to fuck off from my life forever. They can’t screw me and Om over again.

With that thought in my mind, I call Khanna and ask him to find about the whereabouts of both of them as quickly as possible. I push the key inside the ignition and turn it on. Pressing my foot on gas, the car lurches forward and I focus on everything good in my life to calm myself down.

Think of Dadi, Om, Anika and Gauri, of course.

My stomach drops down when the thought of Anika crosses through my mind. I had spat some really harsh in a desperate attempt to calm myself down when none of it was her fault. Guilt twists my inside and I bite my lip. I’ll make up for it. I have to.

Ten minutes later, my phone goes off and Khanna tells me the name of the hotel they are staying in. I immediately hang up and direct my car towards the hotel. Half an hour later, I am at the reception. The receptionist refuses to tell me the room number, saying it is against the policies of their hotel.

“Miss, I really didn’t want to do this but don’t test my temper. If I want, you’ll be begging your boss to let you have this job.” Something about my voice must have got to her because even though she rolls her eyes, I can see the sheen sweat sheet.

“And what makes you think so?”

“The name is Shivaay Singh Oberoi, Miss. I think that says enough.” Her eyes widen and I give her a tight smile. A moment later, she is fumbling with the records and then tells me the room number is 735.

I walk to the elevator and it opens up immediately. Getting inside, I push the floor number. Few minutes later, I find myself ringing the bell of room number 735. The woman I used to call my mom opens up the door and is mildly surprised. “Well, I knew you would eventually come around, Shivu.” I clench my jaw tightly because I can feel the anger boiling inside my veins.

“I need to talk to you,” I say without stalling because I don’t want spend a second here more than needed.

“Why, yes of course, come inside.” She opens up the gate fully and lets me in. I see my ex father sitting on the chair, squinting at the newspaper because obviously, like always, he forgot his reading glasses.

He looks up and smiles, like he was expecting me. I don’t remember him being creepier but apparently he is. Jhanvi Singh Oberoi joins him as she sits down on the armrest.

“Yes, son?”

Please don’t swing your fist against his face. Please don’t.

“Look, we all know that you guys screwed up with our lives. You have already fucked up us enough so I really want you to stop meddling with my family, alright? And no, you are not my family any longer. My parents died ages ago. They died the day they decided to leave me and Om on ourselves. And you don’t get the right to come back like you bloody care when you don’t. So please, this is a request, fuck off.”

And without waiting for their responses, I am running out of the hotel room, my breaths coming in short because the hurt on their faces said that they actually cared and I don’t need that.

I don’t need them.

That’s one thing done. Now time to clean the mess I made. Anika Agrawal, be ready.


we only have one chapter left and i am not okay 😭😭 holy shit. i can't believe we are about to finish this book. oh my, my. i am getting really really emotional right now. somebody give me a box of tissues.

if time permits, we might finish this story in two-three days or even early (excluding the bonus chapters that is)

so since this is the last chapter, please, please comment what you think.

love, Kriti x

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