30 | until this moment

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30 | until this moment

A FEW MINUTES later, I can hear Gauri’s voice, calling out our names and just then she appears on the door. Pushing it open, Gauri keeps the duffel bag down and walks to me with a grin on her face. A grin I know all too well. Feeling my cheeks brighten up, I snatch the pair of clothes and turn around to ask Om where I can shower.

“Feel free to use this room Anika, Shivaay won’t mind rather he would be-Ow.” Om rubs his head after Shivaay smacks it.

“Uh, thank you.” Not wanting to hang in there any longer, I make my way towards the bathroom, ready for a good shower. After bolting the door, I hang the clothes and step under the shower. The cold water rinses over my body and I shiver, turning the temperature a notch up.

“You taste good.”

Oh god, what have I done? How am I going to look Shivaay in the eye? If there’s an award for embarrassing yourself I so deserve it. I facepalm myself and let out a whimper. So much for never dating him. Goodness, Anika, you just keep adding fuel to his ego.

I wrap myself in a towel and blow dry my hair. I grab the clothes and see what Gauri has picked out for me. There’s a white tank top with denim jeans and a leather jacket. But it’s not my jacket. It’s the jacket Shivaay had let me borrow last time. Gauri knew it since she had asked me from I had bought this t-shirt and I had told her it was not mine rather Shivaay's.

Sneaky little arse.

Just what I need after embarrassing myself plenty yesterday. Knowing I have no choice but to wear the clothes she had picked out for me, I slip into it and brush my hair out of my face.

Opening the door, I saunter out of the room to search for Shivaay. In the living room, I see Om perched on the sofa, texting someone rapidly. I twist my head to see Gauri sitting with a scowl etched on her face. “Where’s Shivaay?” I question Om, poking him in the side. He doesn’t even look up from his phone, just points towards a room in the corner. I find it really odd that Gauri isn’t even teasing me about the jacket I know she so purposely picked out.

“Who’re you texting, Om?” I play with my hair as I wait from him to answer me.

“Uh, Trisha.” I turn to look at Gauri to see the scowl on her face deepen. A sigh escapes my lips. She’s so in love with Om. Everybody but her can see it. If only she realizes that Om doesn’t have his eyes for anyone but her, she would not act like this. There are moments when I think she realizes that she loves Om but is too afraid to confess them aloud. Could it possibly be because she’s afraid that if her feelings aren’t reciprocated it’ll affect her friendship with Om? Could it be that Gauri has been aware of her feelings all along but she’s too scared to pursue a relationship because there’s a chance of things going wrong?

If that’s the case, I don’t think all of this would work.

We would have to think of something else when we come back this weekend.

Pushing all these thoughts aside, I stroll towards the room Om had earlier pointed to and push the door open only to be greeted by the sight of a very shirtless Shivaay. Well, damn. The room is a gym room and he’s working out. I am sure all the girls would kill to be in my position right now because who wouldn’t like to see Shivaay SIngh Oberoi in all his sweaty glory? It’s a sight one cannot just help but look at. His abs glisten as the sunlight washes over his body from the window. I can make out each and every line of his well defined chest and let me tell you I am not okay. I am short of breath, struggling to blink and not to drool.

He must have been very lost in his thoughts because he doesn’t acknowledge my presence. “God, stupid Om...bastard couldn’t have knocked! And stupid dreams. God, I hate how right Om was!”

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