20 | you and him

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Listen to Bad Liar by Selena Gomez for this chapter.

Happy reading ;)


20 | you and him

IT'S JUST THURSDAY and all I can think about is going home and shoving mom's delicious food down my throat. Every time I look at food all I want is gajar ka halwa and kadi chawal of home. It's a torture to say the least. And of course, my mom keeps adding to this torture by telling me what she is deciding to prepare when I come home.

I'm walking down the stairs since I don't have enough patience to wait for the elevator. Today was way boring without Rohit in the office since that boy has taken Natasha on a date to Lonavala. How fucking sweet. And when it comes to me, we even spilt the bill in half.


To be honest, I am not a big fan of Natasha. She's kind of snobbish and type of 'queen bee' you read about in the books. But as long as she makes Rohit happy, I'm all in for his happiness. Hell if that boy said he wanted to date my enemy because she made him happy, I would gladly let him date her. But of course, if that girl does anything to hurt him, I have my knives ready to stab her and throw her off this planet.

Pretty sure Rohit feels the same way since he's been keeping an eye on me like a hawk and scowling at mention of Shivaay and I spending any time together.

I don't understand what the problem is since we are just friends. Yes, I know I am attracted to him and catching feelings for him but there's not even a chance that Shivaay actually likes me.

Lost in my train of thoughts, I don't feel a person walk up to my side and it's not until I ram into his body that I become aware.

"Hey there," Ashish greets me with an affectionate smile and I mirror my own to match his after composing myself and straightening my dress. "Not a really good day at work?"

A familiar scowl makes its appearance on my face. "The only reason I didn’t have a good day is because of you. That's a bit rich coming from you, ain't it?"

He merely chuckles and falls into the step beside me. "I'm sorry. Every thing good now?"

It's hard not to cave in when he's flashing one of those beautiful smiles of his. But it doesn't do anything to my insides anymore. Why will it, of course, since a certain Oberoi's smile had been doing that to me lately.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I brush off nonchalantly, raking my fingers through my hair. Quietly humming to myself, I walk alongside Ashish. The song I'm humming is my new favorite. It's 'Havana' by Camilla Cabello and I sure am loving this one.

"You're a nice person, Anika." I whip my head in his direction in utter astonishment. He has his hands stuffed inside his pocket as he states at me.

I scoff, "Please Ashish. Me, grouchy? Yes. But nice? No way."

"You are."

"Well, I'll take the compliment of being called nice since it's coming from the nicest person I have ever known." I joke but I mean the last part. Ashish is the kindest and nicest person. Someone people are genuinely so nice that makes you wonder what you ever did to deserve them. Normally, people are bitchy and judgemental even before they know about you but Ashish is not any of that. He's the kind of person who you'll tell your deepest and darkest secrets and he'll merely bat an eyelash let alone judge you.

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