21 | you should have told her sooner

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21 | you should have told her sooner

I HAD SEEN Rohit during the lunch time and when my eyes had registered the bags under his eyes and puffiness of them along with the tiredness evident on his face, the first instinct was to wrap him up in a bear hug. I had felt him sigh into my hair and my iron like grip on him tightened even more.

"You okay, Rohit?" I had questioned, running my fingers through his hair.

"Mmhmm, I'm fine, Ann. Thanks for asking." He had replied and we had sat down for lunch.

I know why he hadn't slept. All because of stupid Natasha. So here I was rapping my fist against her door. We needed to talk.

The door opens and a perky Natasha opens up the door. The smile falls off her face when she sees me and a very snotty expression overtakes her face. We never hit it off well. She and I, we are polar opposites and can never fit together.

She leans against the door frame, not even bothering to invite me in, "What do you want?" Talk about manners. I roll my eyes and give her my best glare. What did Rohit ever see in her?

"I'm just here to warn you. Hurt Rohit or else–"

"Else what? Whatever will you do, Agrawal?" She sneers and I clench my jaw.

"Possibly break your precious face, darling, or burn that the plastic you have got over there," I say, feigning a sweet tone and bat my eyelashes. She straightens up at my threat and growls at me but I ignore her warning glances. "Listen here, Ahuja, I'm telling you, you hurt Rohit and you have got a very rude and unforgiving bitch to handle." I spit out and turn around to stalk off but not before sparing her a venomous glare.

Natasha Ahuja was trouble. And she was so not good for my Rohit.


With a skip in my steps, I hop off the bus. It has taken me barely one and a half hour to reach here since I had taken the express bus. Dad is coming to pick me up so I wait for him by the bus stop. It's not long before I see a Range Rover pull up and then I'm scurrying over to the familiar man. I throw my arms around his neck and squeal like a kid. His ever so comforting smell immediately makes me feel home.

Dad chuckles and pats my head affectionately, "Kiddo."

"I missed you dad," I drawl, burying my face in his shoulder.

"Me too, Kiddo." He pries me off his body and grabs my shoulders, looking at my appearance with a wistful look on his face. "You've grown so much and it feels like ages since I last saw ya."

"Dad, you just saw me a while ago. And I am just the same," I murmur with an eye roll.

Dad just laughs and ruffles up my hair, "C'mon. Let's get you home because your mother can't wait to see her daughter."

When I sit down in the car, I have a huge smile on my face and it stays there till I reach home. Only when I do, it tries to get even bigger. Dad pulls up the car in the parking lot and from my rolled down window I see mom standing there. For a second my heart plummets not seeing Dadi standing there. Usually, she's the one most excited for my return from Mumbai so not seeing her here makes me feel weird.

Buy focusing on mom right now, I slip outside the car and wrap my arms around mom. My mother is a head shorter than me so I keep my chin on her head and smile.

"Aniii, meri bacchi. Finally, you're here," she says, sniffing already. I groan, why is my mother being so sentimental these days? I swear it's like she's been carrying around a bunch of onions with her and cutting it every other moment.

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