37 | about bloody time

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[This is here earlier than I thought it would be. But whatever!!!! This is THE LAST CHAPTER. I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING.]

37 | about bloody time


I BURY MY face in my hands as tears spill from my eyes. His words hurt. I can still hear the harsh tone echo in my mind.

“Better not speak, Agrawal. Since you seem to have the perfect life.”

I had wanted to snap at him, tell him that my life wasn’t as pretty as he thought it was. But all I could do was stand, feeling hurt because I couldn’t believe the words he was saying.

“A,” Gauri calls out to me and seconds later, I feel her snuggle up next to me. I refuse to look up though. “What’s wrong?” I don’t say a word, mainly because I don’t want to talk to her about any of this. She pokes my side, “come on, tell me what’s up with that long face.”

“Gauri, I can’t.” I refuse to look up.

“A, it’s Shivaay, right?” She asks and that’s all she says before I wrap my arms around her like a baby and cry. I tell her what happened and his exact words. She pats my hair and then pulls away. She swipes her fingers under my eyes and wipes away the tear. “Shh, don’t cry, okay? Neither of you are at fault.”

“But it still hurts, Gauri,” I say and sniffle.

“He was just hurt, Anika. I have known him for a long time and I know he has the tendency to say things he doesn’t mean when he’s angry. Trust me, he didn’t mean a single thing he said.”

“But–” I open my mouth to argue but Gauri places a finger on my lips and stops me.

“As I know you are persistent little ass, I’ll tell you a secret,” she says and I become more alert after hearing the word ‘serious’. “It’s not really my place to tell but since you are my best friend and I can’t see you bawling your eyes out, I will tell you this. Although Shivaay told me to make up an excuse and bring you to his farmhouse, the truth is he has planned a nice dinner date for you two there as a means to say his apology.”

A blush crawls its way onto my face. A moment before I was crying and now I am painted red. The things this guy does to me is amazing.

“Seriously? What time?” I ask, curiously after swiping my face against the sleeve of my shirt.

“Yes, like in an hour. So chin up princess, we are gonna dress you up.”

A little laugh escapes my mouth as she hurries to my wardrobe and begins rummaging inside. “Whatever will I do without you, Gauri?” I ask rhetorically as she pulls a face at on of my dresses and throws it on the couch.

“Probably die of hunger because your lazy ass can’t make food for the sake of her life,” she teases me and I laugh, getting up and joining the clothes on the couch. “What about that peach dress my cousin gifted me a while ago?”

“With that bow thing on the neck?” Gauri questions and throws another one of my clothes which manage to hit directly in the face. I mumble a yes. “Nahh, that is just too plain. Honestly, your cousin doesn’t have that good of a taste when it comes to clothing. I like your test better.”

I grin, “Thanks. I knew I was awesome.”

“Shivaay is so rubbing off on you.” She shakes her head and I stick my tongue out at her.

“You have a problem with that?”

“YESSS!” Gauri exclaims and narrow my eyes at her and I am about to ask what problem she could have when I realize that she has exclaimed it out of joy because she seems to have found a dress that she likes. “You know when in doubt, wear a black lace dress and you are set.”

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