33 | how it all began

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33 | how it all began

I RUB MY palms together and insert the key inside the keyhole. Kicking the door open with my leg, I toss my bag on the counter. I am about to head to my room when Gauri calls out to me. I tilt my head towards her room in surprise.

“What's up? I didn’t expect you to be up this late.” I yawn. Gauri wrings her hands together and mumbles a yeah.

“The thing is I wanted to talk to you.”

“Okaayyy!” I drawl, wondering what’s happening when Gauri guides me towards the sofa and asks me to sit down. I fold my legs and face her completely. She does the same and I stare at her with a blank face, “drop whatever bomb you wish to because that’s what has been happening to me since past few days.”

“Yeah, let me take a deep breath.” I am not sure what to expect now that she has taken to taking deep breaths.

“Gauri, you are scaring me. What’s going on?” I ask.

“OmandIaredating!” She breathes and I continue to stare at her with a blank face because I didn’t understand a thing she said.

“Come again?”

“Om and I are dating.”

“You are fighting again?” I groan but then her words settle in my mind. I jump up, “WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK?”

“Shouldn’t you be happy?” Gauri asks, giving me a flat look.


“Bloody hell, calm down, will you?” Gauri says, waving her hand around and signalling me to sit down. She scratched the back of her neck as I sat down and twisted her hands in her lap, “the thing, I’m not really sure how to explain it. It sort of just happened.”

I narrow my eyes at her, giving her my best glare, “Say that again, I dare you.”

She sighs, “A, calm down, okay? I’ll try to tell you as best as I can. You see, I got this message from Trisha. The message said that she and Om were going on a date tomorrow and he had bought her a dress for this occasion. It made me really mad, to the point where all I could see was red. I picked up my car keys and reached Oberoi mansion. I just stormed in his room. He was standing near the wall so I just pushed him against it–”

“Sounds kinky,” I mumble because I couldn’t hold my tongue.

“–and just said that, “I fucking love you so better not think of going out with Trisha” and he’s like in a state of shock. But then before any of us knew, we were kissing each other like we were each other’s air and we couldn’t breathe. And then he confessed to have loving me from a long long time. We had a heart to heart talk and then he asked me out so…”

For a few moments, I sit there speechless. Gauri and Om are finally dating. Two of my friends have finally worked out their feelings and they are dating.

“Wow,” I breathe and then tackle Gauri into a hug. “You’re finally dating him. Finally playing the matchmaker for you paid off.”

She pulls away, confusion written over her face, “Wait, what did you just say? You were playing the matchmaker for us, A?”

I totally forgot that Gauri was unaware that Shivaay and I had teamed up to play the matchmaker for him and now that I let it slip past me, I don’t know what Gauri is going to do with me. Since I know there is no use in lying to her now, I might just as well tell her straight up and come clean. “Yes,” I say, “and not just me, Shivaay was playing the matchmaker for you two as well. In fact, it was him who suggested that we play the matchmaker for you guys.”

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