27 | a day at oberoi mansion

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27 | a day at oberoi mansion

IT HAS BEEN just two days since my fight with Rohit. We are not on speaking terms as of now. All of this is happening because of that stupid Natasha. She’s manipulative but I can’t believe Rohit would choose to believe her rather than me so it’s safe to say my anger is nowhere near the point of calming down. To add to everything, I am still mad at mom and dad but with everything going on, it’s hard letting go of my anger. Shivaay and Gauri treat me like I am a grenade, near to my blowing point. It’s bothering me to great extents. Do they think I am so incapable of getting my shit together? I will be honest I am using this anger as my shield. I am just so damn afraid right now, I can’t think properly.

I am snapped out of my thoughts when I accidentally cut my finger while chopping vegetables. Wincing, I wash it immediately, blowing on my finger softly. Lately, I have been trying to learn cooking various things because it pleases Dadi when I cook. I rarely cook food. Usually, it’s Gauri who does and when she isn’t around, I manage with stuff like pasta and noodles. Since Dadi likes when I cook, I am learning.

I have taken a day off today because Shivaay and Om’s dadi have organised a pooja for our family, to pray to the god to give us strength in this time. I find it extremely sweet that even after so many years of not being in contact, she is still attached to my dadi enough to hold a pooja. Naturally, Gauri and I have been invited to this pooja. So here I am, trying to make shahi paneer as a little gift to show my gratitude to the Oberois for Gauri has told me they are extremely fond of eating paneer.

This all reminds me of my situation with Shivaay. After that unplanned kiss, things have been different between us. He is being nicer to me, you know suddenly changed from the Satan to an Angel. As for my part, I have started acting like a stupid human replica of a human tomato around him. My cheeks keep flaring up-despite the fact I am usually scowling these days-whenever he does something sweet. I am not exactly sure what we are right now. We aren’t friends nor are we ‘dating’. I don’t know what the heck we are but all I know is I want to date him.

As I work on the shahi paneer recipe, my mind keeps wandering to what my life is suddenly becoming. The whole ‘making Gauri jealous by introducing a new girl’ plan has been put into action so she’s pretty grouchy these days. We two have become sour lemons. In my defense though, my life is pretty shit these days.

Fighting with mom and dad and then with Rohit because of stupid Natasha along with becoming a prick.

“A, are you done yet?” Gauri calls out to me from her room.

“Gimme ten minutes to get done with the cooking then I’ll be really quick,” I shout back, picking up my speed. Ten minutes later, I turn the stove off, put my newly cooked dish into a container and rush back to my room. I put on a white kurti which has floral print and braid my hair into a fishtail. After picking up my bags, I pick my set of house keys and walk outside to see Gauri dressed in a plain yellow kurti with her hair down. “C’mon let’s go.” She nods and takes her car keys.

An hour later, we are at the front of the Oberoi mansion, being greeted by Om. He tries to make me smile and his attempt works quite quickly as the idiot reminds me of the time when I had embarrassed myself. A girl, Trisha, who is the part of Shivaay’s master plan comes bouncing towards us. Gauri frowns when the girl murmurs a way too sweet to be real hello to her. The said lady scowls at her and pushes past her, leaving us behind. Om and Trisha engage in a conversation and I feel left out so I walk inside.

My feet carry me towards Shivaay’s room and before I know it, I am knocking on his door. He opens it and looks mildly surprised to see me. “Kitten, hey. Didn’t expect you to turn up here.” He gives me a breathtaking smile and wraps his arm around me in a hug. It’s the most comforting thing ever. I loop my arms around his neck. He nuzzles his nose into my hair and sighs deeply. “Ugh. I missed you. Is it possible to miss someone when you have seen them just yesterday?”

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