1 - sleepover

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DISCLAIMER: I wrote these 1st few chapters a long time ago when I apparently just didn't know wth grammar was so pls ignore that, I'm sorry I hope you still enjoy the story ;)

Eddie was sitting on his porch reading. It was hard though because the TV his mom was watching was turned up loud enough to hear outside even with the window closed. It was summer and the humid air made his clothes cling to his skin. He was surprised his over protective mom didn't make him go inside so he doesn't have a heat stroke.

He decided it was too hot to be sitting out on this hot day and closed his book heading inside. He looked over at his mom who appeared to be sleeping. No wonder why she wasn't nagging him to come inside. He got a glass of ice water and went up to his room.

He sits on his bed and sees his phone has tons of texts from the losers group chat.

Beverly: Guys come over

Bill: why

Beverly: to have a sleepover

Stan: why

Beverly: WHY TF NOT

Bill: ok ok😂


Richie: I am already on my way

Ben: ok I can come

Mike: me too👌

Stan: ok I guess I'll come too

Richie: What bout u ed's

Beverly: ok cool come over whenever

Bill: ^_^

Stan: ???

Bill: Its a smiley face

Stan: ok bub


Eddie: sry I was reading, yeah I'll ask my mom

Eddie ran downstairs hoping his mom would say yes. She knows Richie and knows he is close with his friends so she usually says yes when it comes to hanging out with them, but sometimes she has her moods.

He lightly taps on her shoulder to wake her up from her recliner. "Mommy, wake up" he says softly. She groans and mumbles a few words Eddie can make out before opening she eyes. "What" she says dully (A/N - is dully even a word lol)  "um, well I was wondering if I can go to my friends house for a sleepover" he says nervously. "Sure" is all she says, and Eddie is already running upstairs. "Thank you mommy!" "Be safe and don't forget your meds!" She calls as he is already upstairs.

That's what she says before Eddie goes anywhere. The same exact thing. Be safe and don't forget your meds. He learned a few years back that really, he doesn't need his meds. He always takes them anyways figuring they can't hurt him, and to please his mom. He does use his inhaler though, because he does have asthma and sometimes anxiety attacks.

From under this bed he grabs a backpack and in it he puts his fanny pack with all his medical supplies, pajamas, shorts and a T-shirt for tomorrow, and money because with his friends you can never predict what's gonna happen.

                              • • •

After saying goodbye to his mom, and a check to make sure he has his meds, Eddie was outside getting on his bike and heading to Beverly's. She conveniently lives pretty close to Eddie so he didn't have to be biking in this hot weather for too long. He bikes, lost in thought, until he hears his name.

"Eddie!" He looks around. "Ed's!"
He squints in front of him and sees someone biking his way. He already knows who it is. As he gets closer he is sure of who it is. "Richie? What are you doing?" Eddie asks as he is close enough to him. "I was coming to your house make sure you were coming to Beverly's" the tall boy says with a goofy smile.

Eddie slows to down to Richie who has stopped in the middle of the road. "I was literally on my way. I even texted and said I was coming. "No, you said you were gonna ASK, how was I supposed to know your mom was gonna let you?" "Whatever Rich" Eddie says sighing.

They bike together down the street and a few more blocks until they reach Beverly's house. Everyone else seems to already be there since there is 4 bikes laying on Bev's lawn. "Why didn't you drive?" Eddie questions Richie. "I dunno" He shrugs. Richie, Beverly, and Mike are 16 and the only ones have their drivers licenses while the 15 year olds, Bill, Eddie, Ben, and Stan, don't.

"Why Ed's?" Richie asks. "Well you never really bike. And don't call me that it makes me seem like a baby" Eddie replies.

"Aww Ed's but you are a smol baby"

"Richie, I am about to push you off your bike"

Richie laughs and Eddie rolls his eyes. They jump off their bikes and pull them up on Beverly's lawn. "Hey guys!" Beverly calls from her door "Hey hey heyyy" Richie says with finger guns. She hugs him as he walks through the door, and the same to Eddie.

And he walks through the door the air conditioning comes in a cold wave and make him shiver. It felt so cold, but good on this hot summer day.

"The guys are downstairs, I'll meet you down there I have to grab something from my car" Bev says.

With that, Richie and Eddie find their way to the basement door. As they walk down the creaky stairs they hear their friends yelling


Eddie giggled and Richie grinned. "Whoa whoa whoa who committed this terrible crime" Richie said in a funny accent as he got to the bottom of the stairs. Stan was throwing popcorn at Mike and Mike was using a pillow as a shield

"Stanelton what do you think you're doing!" Richie yells pointing at Stan


"Save it for the the judge!" Richie says pinning Stan's arms behind his back. Ben is cracking up on this spot on the couch and Bill is video taping. Eddie rolls his eyes and sits on the couch with Ben.

"What the hell are you guys doing" Beverly calls from the stairs laughing. When she gets to the bottom of the stairs she opens a clear plastic box
"It's ok Stan I got more under baked Walmart cookies for ya"

Stan gets up and happily grabs one, sticking his tongue out at Mike

"Oh my god you guys are so childish" Bev laughs

(A/N) thanks for reading!💕 I know it's cringey trash but this is my first story on wattpad so idek. Anyways, so this chapter was kinda trash but I didn't want to rush to the good stuff sooooooooooooo yeah thx for reading my thing

- author

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