2 - tired boi

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"Yeah yeah" Stan says eating his cookie with joy "Anyone else want one?" Bev's asks setting the box on the table. "Don't mind if I do" Richie smiles grabbing one of the overly sweet cookies

"I th-thought you s-s-said you were on your w-way a long time ago" Bill questions Richie

"Yeah well I don't live that close and I had to go pick up Ed's" he responds gesturing to Eddie

"Oh yeah right Richie, I was on my way and you came to make sure I was even coming" Eddie says rolling his eyes for like the 50th time today. Richie puts his hands up as if he was surrendering

"So do y'all wanna do" Beverly asks in a southern accent "We could watch a movie maybe" Ben suggests

"Nah, it's too early for a movie yet Richie says glancing at his watch. "It's only 7:30"

"Or we can just sit and eat" Stan says popping a half of a cookie in his mouth. Everyone just stares at him. "What?"

"Ok sounds good to me!" Bev replies grabbing an empty bowl. "I am gonna refill on some snacks. Anyone wanna come help?"

"I will" Ben smiles springing up from his spot. Of course Ben volunteered, everyone knows Ben likes Bev. But they also know that he's overall a nice guy, so it could just be that. "Why don't we just run to the gas station and grab some snacks" Mike says.

"Good idea, I bet Bev and Ben will go with ya when they finish whatever their doing" Stan tells Mike. He nods in agreement and heads upstairs.

"So now, we sit here and let them do the work" Richie says and grins

"That's not even funny" Eddie scoffs. Richie glances over at him and gives him a look as if saying really? Was it really not funny? Because I think it was

Eddie smiles and rolls his eyes again

"Ed's, your eyes might get stuck upside down if you keep rolling them"

"Whatever trashmouth"

"D-do you guys w-wanna p-p-pick out a movie to w-watch later or j-just keep bickering like an old c-couple" Bill sighs

"Ok b-b-bill" Richie says standing up from his chair "come on Eddie bear"

"Don't ever call me Eddie bear again" Eddie snaps. Bill and Stan laugh.

Eddie and Richie walk over to a cabinet loaded with all kinds of movies. He could already spot about 5 that he liked. Though, he was a bit embarrassed by some of his movie ideas so decided not to suggest them.

Richie pulls out a movie. "How about terminator?"

"Richie you know I don't like scary movies" Eddie says nervously picking at the carpet

"Ok okaaaay fine" Richie sighs putting it back. "And what do you suggest, the titanic?" He laughs

"Shut up" Eddie giggles. He didn't want to admit it, but the titanic was on of his favorites. "How about this?" Eddie asks handing Richie the thin case. "Home alone? Never seen it."

Eddie is shocked, Home alone is one of this childhood favorites. "What?! Ok so I am about to slap you. We are watching this"

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