17 - truth or dare

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When the losers got back to the cabin, every one of them drenched and soggy. They changed and sat just around for most of the rainy day. It's now 8:30 at night, it's dark and the rain has stopped. The sky even cleared up which left the night sky scattered with bright stars and a full moon lighting up the valley below them.

Stan, Bill, Mike, Richie, and Eddie are gathered in the room talking about school and irrelevant things. Bev is running around the cabin gathering supplies for what seems to possibly be a bonfire. Ben is following her carrying a stack folded lawn chairs.

"I have never licked my own foot!" Richie shouts at Stan

"Um, yeah you have remember that one time when you 'WERE NOT DRUNK' at the carnival last year? Well news flash you kinda were, and the sad part is that you were drunk on snow cone flavoring"

"Whatever dipshit I don't remember that"

Bev goes in the living room to the losers with a box of matches and lighter fluid

"Come on bevvie don't burn down the cabin YET" Richie exclaims. Bev rolls her eyes

"Come on were gonna have a bonfire. We can make s'mores and stuff"

The group nods and follows her to the glass door to the patio. They haven't been out there yet, because of the rain. It stopped raining but little droplets of water still drip down from the tall trees surrounding the patio. Ben flicks on a flash light and points it at a stack of fire wood next to the fire.

"Someone wanna grab some fire wood and toss it in the pit?" Ben asks hoping someone will volunteer. Bill walks to the wood and starts piling it in his arms log by log. The fire pit is just a circle of ash rimmed with big stones. Theres so much ash it looks like no ones touched it or even tried cleaning it up for like fifty years. This bothers Stan, he likes things neat.

After Ben throws in some twigs and stick he douses it with lighter fluid. Beverly strikes a match and tosses it in the ashy pit. It bursts into flames, Stan gets startled and fails away from the fire. Immediately after Richie bursts into a fit of laughter as Stan gets off the ground dusking off the butt of his cargo shorts. 

"STAN THE MAN this is the SECOND wipeout of the day, how does it feel to be the one who always falls?" Richie exclaims pretending to point a microphone in Stan's face who swats his hand away.

"You know there's a time and place to joke around Richie, a time and place"

"Oh stooop"

"Stop arguing and help me with these chairs" Bev says from behind the two, struggling to open a fold up chair. Everyone grabs one and opens it up by the fire. Once their all gathered around, Bev pulls a deck of cards from her pocket. Richie is sitting to her left, Ben to her right, and Eddie to the left of Richie, chairs pretty darn close.

"Who wants to play pok-"

"YEET" Richie wails swating the cards out of Bevs hand sending them flying into the woods behind her. They land with a quiet thump and a sound of rustling leaves. Bev looks so Richie and narrows her eyes. "Richie. WHY."

"I don't wanna play cards! That's dumb! We need to play something good and juicy like truth or dare of something like that!" Richie whines

Stan rolls his eyes "yeah poker can be 'good and juicy' too when playing with you"

"How so Stan? I'd love if you would explain"

"Uh well last time we played poker you swiped a card through your ass crack saying you were cashing in your lucky credit card"

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