11 - cookies

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After a short begging to his mom, Eddie was on his bike on his way to the diner. He doesn't  know exactly where it is, but figures he'll make his way there. It's currently Thursday and the other losers are leaving tomorrow after Stan's class. 5:00, is what he thinks Bev said before. Even though he's not going at the moment, he still feels like he has to convince his mom. But how? He has to...but how. He could bake her cookies and make a card, completely kiss up to her. Or beg and cry. That never really works though. Threaten her? Bribe her? There's actually many ways to go here

He pulls up the small place, and locks the small bike from when he was little to a poll. Surprisingly, he isn't embarrassed about riding the tiny bike. At least it doesn't have training wheels, it's just really low to the ground.

He swings the door open and the little bell rings rapidly. From the table in the corner he sees Bill poke his head out of the booth and they make eye contact.

"Eddie!" Bill exclaims stepping out. More of the losers poke their heads out to see the boy standing by the door. He makes his way over and sits on the end of the long seat.

"Hey guys" Eddie sighs

"Where have you been!" Richie says with a worried face.

"I slept in late" he replies bluntly. He didn't feel like getting into detail.

"Care to explain your text last night?" Asks Stan raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah sure. Well I asked my mom if I could come to the cabin-" he starts getting interrupted by Bill "I KN-NEW IT!"

"Um yeah" Eddie continues "and she said no and her dumbass reasons were that I might have and asthma attack or forget to take my meds and shit like that"

"You don't even need the damn pills! Placebos means bullshit!" Richie wails

Eddie sighs. "Yeah. I know. I can't tell her that, it'll just get me in deeper shit that I don't have time for right now". He looks around the table to see everyone has already gotten and finished their food. He's not that hungry anyways though so he doesn't really mind.

"Ok well we need to convince her. You neeeed to come!" Says Bev

"Yeah" Ben agrees

"Ok well what am I supposed to do. I already thought about this there isn't may good ways to do it" Eddie says burying his face in his palms "I mean I just don't know what to do"

"D-does she like cookies? Or baked g-goods?" Bill questions

"Yeah she's a fat ass!" Richie scoffs "no offense Ed's"

Eddie laughs "no offense taken. She really is"

"Well then make her cookies or something. Just get on her good side then say something like 'oh my friends are gonna have so much fun without me' or something like that" Mike states

"Oh! Yeah we could do that and then like someone will text you and hopefully she'll
say who's that and you can say that we're texting about the cabin and how you wish you could come too" Stan's adds

Eddie looks to his friends with a smile. "Yeah I guess that could work. So someone text me at...7?"

"Sure" Stan nods.

"Ok cool. Thanks guys." Eddie says gratefully to his friends. He really does appreciate them trying to help. This just makes him want to come to the cabin even more. "So should I still make cookies?"

"Yeah we can come back to my house and bake some. My grandma has a good recipe." Bev replies. "Is everyone done with their food?" She asks sliding out of the booth. The group nods and Bev pays the waitress.

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