37 - the escape (part two)

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"GUYS ITS HIM, ITS REALLY FUCKING HIM!!" Richie yells, not aware of his volume

His friends shush him "I know, that's great! Calm down though you'll get us caught!" Bev whispers

Eddie stares out the window, not wanting to start waving or anything so none of the staff are suspicious. Instead he just stands, sweating and numb

"I'm gonna go get him" Richie states standing up, impatient and ready to save him now

"What?!" Stan whisper shouts "No you're not, sit down!"

"You're gonna blow our cover hold on!" Bev adds tugging at his trash bag. Richie hesitates, then sits back down

"Well how the fuck are we getting him then?!" He says angrily, not taking his eyes off Eddie in the window

Bev shrugs "I don't know, but going up and just taking him is not the answer!"

Richie doesn't say anything. He continues to watch Eddie and begins waving him over. Eddie doesn't do much, again because he doesn't want to seem suspicious. He just doesn't know what to do

Richie takes a deep breath, then gets up again "Richie no!" Mike says grabbing at his wrist. Richie pulls it away, stepping over the cement wall. He squats down in the grass, right in the open for everyone to see. He holds out a hand and waves for Eddie again.

I can't Eddie thinks if I run that stupid asshole guard will catch me and beat me up again. He clenches his fists and continues standing, not knowing what to do. No. It's now or never. Run.

Eddie forces himself to move, dashing out the courtyard door sprinting into the rain. He hears shouts and loud whistles from behind him, reinforcements already on their way

"Richie!" He croaks, chocking up in tears. He sprints across the wet field. "Eddie!" Richie wails running towards him. The two run towards each other with open arms, Richie can feel his heart beating out of his chest. They collide in the middle of the big yard, Richie taking him into his arms. They both begin crying

"Holy fuck Richie! You came! You guys...are you all here?!" The losers pop their heads out the hedge, all smiling

Richie cups Eddies face in his hands, tears blurring his vision. He stares into his tear filled eyes "I'll never let you go again. I promise"

Eddie smiles, "I love you Richie"

"I love you too Ed's"

Eddie takes off Richie's droplet covered glasses and kisses him, not caring a single bit about the guards or social workers that may see. Not even caring about how they could catch up to him any moment. All he cares about is how he has Richie back.

Bev stands up waving them over "I hate to be the one to split you guys up right now, but we gotta go!"

Eddie looks back to the door. It's absolute chaos. The staff are running frantically, trying to find guards. The kids are all standing around confused, not sure what's going on. Then he spots Midnight

She stands in the window where Eddie was standing before, a hand pressed against the glass. She looks at the two reunited boys in awe, with a happy yet broken smile. She mouths what seemed to be goodbye. Eddie watches her sad expression, and looks back to Richie

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