14 - welcome to the cabin

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"Eddie wake up" Bev yells to Eddie from the front seat. He opens his eyes and looks around quickly

"What? Why? What's happening?" He says scared

"It's your mom...she knows" Bev whispers

"What? She knows what? What are you talking about?" Eddie asks Bev worried. Richie sits next to him staring blankly in front of him.

"She knows about you and Richie"

Eddies heart races. What's happening. How does his mom know and about what? He barely did anything. Suddenly there's a banning on the window next to him and it's his mom and police out side, his mom looking furious. Eddie is beyond scared and beyond confused. The police opens the door and pulls him and Richie out.

"Eddie bear. Your sick" his mom hisses pulling Eddie away from the van. Richie lays on the ground in front of the police. Suddenly the police takes a baton and beats Richie with it as he wails.

"Stop!" Eddie screams and no one responds. He cries and screams for the police to stop but he won't. His mom turns to him.


He looks at his mom

"Eddie wake up" she says. He continues to scream "Wake up!"

Eddies eyes flutter open. It was a dream. He's trembling and drenched in sweat. He looks out the window of the van to see they are parked at a gas station. The bright "holiday" sign glows in the dark night. Richie is looking him with a concerned look.

"Are you ok?"

He's relived, actually. That was probably about the worst dream he's had in a long time.

Eddie nods "Yeah. Yeah I am fine. I-I just had a nightmare"

Richie sighs and smiles a little. They can barely see each other in the dark.

"About what?" He asks Eddie. He doesn't want to talk about it. He'll dream about it again.

"I'd rather not talk about it...I'll tell you tomorrow" Eddie replies trying not to cry. Don't cry. It's not worth crying over if it was a dream. Instead he hugs Richie and closes his eyes hoping to fall back asleep but not dream
about bad stuff again.

Richie holds the Eddie in his arms and also attempts falling back asleep after he woke him up with the screaming. He really worried him, with the screaming and shaking. He had no idea what was happening. Both the boys fall back asleep in a matter of seconds, both hoping that wouldn't happen again.

• • •

Eddie wakes up to the bright sun, around 8:30. He's still in the parked van, but this time they are parked on a dirt road next to what he assumed was the cabin. He couldn't see much of it at the moment, considering the van was parked right up next to it. All he could tell was that it was a log cabin.

Richie was asleep, arms still wrapped around him. Eddie jumps a little. What if the others see? What are they gonna think? He doesn't want them to know anything about this, at least for now. They are all asleep in their spots in the van right now, so at least for now no one else would know. He shuffles around a little bit to unbuckle himself but just before he does, he freezes.

"Hey your up" he hears Stan whisper from the seat in front of him. Oh shit. Stan turns his head looking back at Eddie. Stan's eyes widen and he pursues his lips. Eddie sighs and squeezes his eyes shut, praying that Stan isn't homophobic. Why would he be? Are Jews homophobic? Stan let's out a quiet laugh.

"What" Eddie scoffs

"Nothing. It's just I could tell. Richies been really obvious lately"

"Well it's not like I've been hiding it for very long!" Eddie says in defense "I mean...what do you mean?"

Stan rolls his eyes "I am not accusing Richie of hiding it I am accusing Richie of being obvious about liking you! You on the other hand, you were sneaky, I didn't notice that"

Eddie sits in silence. What's he supposed to say now? What is there more to say?

"How long have you been up?" Eddie asks deciding to change the subject

"A while. I finished my book about birds. I am really annoyed because I lost my actual bird finding book and that would have been great this week. There's all kinds up here!" Stan explains

Eddie thinks for a minute before grabbing his backpack off of the floor. He pulls the bird book Richie gave him out of it and hand it to Stan. He doesn't love birds as much as Stan, so even though Richie did give it to him it would be better for Stan because he'd actually use and enjoy it.

"Don't tell Richie though. He gave it to me, but you should still take it. I am not that interested in birds anyways" Eddie says

Stan raises his eyebrows and looks excited
"Are you sure? I mean thank you so much, but are you sure? I don't want to like-"

Eddie laughs "Stan it's fine, it'll be used more with you!" Stan nods and smiles

"Thanks Eddie. Now let's wake these bums up, we got a day ahead of us!"

Eddie nods and pulls away from Richies right hug. "Richie wake up" he says shaking him a little. Richie groans and rubs his eyes under his glasses. Eddie taps on Bills shoulder and whispers for him to get up as well. Bill squints and gets up. Stan has woken up everyone up front.

"Morning guys!" Bev calls from the drivers seat stretching.

"Why didn't you wake us up last night to go inside?" Mike asks barely awake

"Too much work. I figured it would just be easier to sleep in the van. Plus I was exhausted"
She replies turning to Richie. She smirks and looks to Eddie too. Of course this makes Eddie worry and he looks to Richie who can tell he's concerned.

"It's fine. She just...fangirling" Richie assures him. Bev gets out of the van and opens the all the door getting everyone out.

"Everyone grab your stuff and follow me inside" Bev says opening the trunk of the van pulling out her suitcase and two grocer bags. Everyone grabs their stuff.

"You need help?" Richie asks Eddie who is pulling out the handle of his suitcase

"I am not helpless and I have literally two things" Eddie replies and rolls his eyes. Richie laughs grabbing his own suitcase and a cooler.

As the loser make their way to the glass door to enter the cabin, Eddie admires the amazing scenery. It seems to be as if it's almost over a cliff, because he can clearly see a cliff a little ways ahead of the cabin, and theres snow capped mountains in the distance. Lush green trees and bushes are scattered everywhere, and some are birch which make it even more beautiful. On his tip toes and at a certain angel, he can see river below. They'd probably swim there if it's calm enough, he thinks.

Bev unlocks the door to the cabin and they all walk in. Along with the beautiful scenery, it turns out the cabin itself is also amazing. At least it looks like it. Right in front there's a living room area with a fire place in the corner and tall glass windows surrounding it showing the outside scenery, giving it a kinda modern but cozy feel. Behind the living room area there is a kitchen against wall, above it a loft. This is a square, small, and cozy cabin. He wouldn't mind spending a whole month here. It's great!

"You guys can bring the grocery's in the kitchen and just leave you other stuff in the living room for now" Bev sighs with a smile "I can't wait! We have a long week ahead of us!"

(A/N) Thanks so much for 1k reads!!!
Reddie AU (too lazy to crop it lmao)

(A/N) Thanks so much for 1k reads!!!Reddie AU (too lazy to crop it lmao)

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