19 - you dont need the pills

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Everyone's excited. Everyone! Richie and Eddie both are of course, but then the rest of the losers had their own excitement too. Bill and Mike squealed with sheer joy, Bev fell over in her chair then rolled around on the ground squealing, Ben clapped (which was awkward) and Stan said get a room which Eddie got mad at him for. But that was last night, Now it's 8:00 am and the losers are just waking up to the new exciting day.

Eddie is the first to wake up. The huge window caused light to pour into the loft which had waken him. He rubs his eyes and turns to the night stand next to his bed. He pops out his retainers and puts them back in their case. His mom made him get braces when he was 9 so he could grow up for his whole life having white, perfect, straight teeth. Ha. Now I have white, perfect, gay teeth he thinks to himself. Usually Richie would make a joke like that. He doesn't even need to wear his retainer anymore, his teeth would stay straight anyway his mom just makes him and now it's just stuck in his nightly routine.

Might as well get up. He rolls out of bed, grabbing one of his Fanny packs and some new clothes, shorts and a T-shirt. It looks actually really nice and sunny out today.

He goes to the bathroom at the bottom of the loft stairs across from Richie and Stan's room. He enters the small bathroom and tosses his fanny pack on the table. He takes off his pajamas to change into his new clothes.

Suddenly the door nob turns and the bathroom door swings open. While he's changing. He's standing here. With out his underwear on. While Richie stands there with out his glasses on looking like a tired grandma. His eyes are closed but he's walking right in the bathroom. He squints, but then his eyes widen at the same time Eddie scrambles and tugs his tighty whiteys on. Richie turns his back to Eddie not saying anything.

They stand there for second without a word

"Um, you done yet?" Richie says casually

Eddie doesn't know what to say. Welp, this is pretty fucking embarrassing.

"Uh get the fuck out!" Eddie finally says pushing Richie lightly out of the door way and slams the bathroom door.

Oh god. Oh god. The only reason he hasn't fainted yet is because he knows Richie is legally blind without his glasses and probably just saw a blurry mess. But still!

He tries to forget that it even just happened and continues with his morning routine. Once he gets his clothes on he unzips his fanny pack and pulls out a bottle of pills and a comb. He combs his hair into the neat way he likes then clutches the small bottle of pills. His placebos. The things he doesn't need to take and never have.

He stands and stares at them. Its like a bottle of voices, his mother's voices. Eddie bear take your pills! Eddie I'm off to the pharmacy to refill your pills! Eddie you'll get sick if you don't take your medicine!

Yuck. He hates his mother's voice at the moment. The controlling, stubborn, annoying voice. He takes his eyes off the pills and looks up, staring at his reflection. Have these done shit for me? No. Why the hell do I take them? Why do I listen to her? She's your mom that's why. But she's wrong. About a lot of things.

"Eddieeee I'm about to piss my pants are you almost done" Richie calls from the other side of the door. He doesn't reply. Richie opens the door a little just to peak in, his glasses on this time. He opens it all the way and comes in when he sees what's happening

"Oh heeeell no. Your not considering that right now" he says snatching the bottle of pills right out of Eddie's hand

"Stop!" Eddie shouts reaching for them

"Why?" Richie replies holding them high in the air "You don't fucking need these Eddie! Comn you know this!"

"Give them to me!!" Eddie shouts again this time jumping for them. Richie brings them back down and holds them behind his back in one hand, holding Eddie back in the other. "What the fuck has gotten into you? Are you like possessed?"

Eddie doesn't say anything, just continues to claw for the pills. He tries pushing Richie's arm away but he's a lot smaller then him so it doesn't affect the situation.

"Eddie!" Richie yells "stop! What's your problem!"

"I SAID GIVE THEM TO ME!" Eddie screams bursting into tears. He gives up and sits on the toilet burying his face in his knees. Richie sets the bottle back on the counter and goes over to him. He wants to just embrace him but it's clear he's not in the mood.

"I'm sorry. You just don't need them-"

"Whatever Richie! Yes I do! I-I need them" Eddie says still buried in his knees. He looks up and his eyes are red and his face is slicked with tears. Now Richie embraces him covering his body like a blanket.

After about a minute he gets back up and Eddie looks back up. "I'm sorry. I just...she always tells me I need them. And I hate...I hate her Richie! She's been like manipulating me my whole life that I feel like I need them. What if I don't take them? Will my skin turn bad and ugly, will I get huge purple bags under my eyes? I'm pretty much addicted to those damn things. I might at well go to an insane asylum"

Richie shakes his head "no no noooo. If anything like, Stan needs to go to an insane asylum for bird addiction. You know I bet he fucked a bird before"

Eddie laughs a little "Ok Richie that's not a cute thought don't say shit like that again"

"Ok but like you never know!" Richie replies "and fuck your mom. SHE should go to an asylum for drugging her son or something. At least like forget her for this week so we can have a good time. And you don't even have service so you don't need to worry about her texting you dumb shit or anything!"

"Thanks" Eddie smiles hugging Richie. He realizes how thankful he is for him. He really knows how to cheer him up and he's thankful for that. This is my ideal boyfriend Eddie thinks to himself still hugging Richie
And he's gonna end up being my boyfriend whether my mom likes it or not

Richie stand up and takes the pills from off the counter. I gotta get rid of these.

"Eddie can you please get off the toilet?" He asks politely. Eddie nods and gets up. Richie flips up the lid and before reconsidering himself, chucks the rattling bottle off pills in toilet like a javelin. Impulsively, he pulls the flusher and the small bottle swirls around the bowl then does down the drain.

"Richie! Honey! Dumbass! That's gonna clog the damn toilet!" Eddie says gripping his hair.

Richie's mouth turns into a small O and slowly turns to Eddie. "Well...shit"

The water in the tank fills and fills and fills until it's almost over flowing. They look at each other then both burst into laughter. "Shit, run!!" Richie wails guiding Eddie out of the bathroom both of them laughing their asses off.

Their stopped in the hall by Bev who is heading to the living room.

"Oh, morning guys" she says waving to them "I gotta wake up the rest of the group, I having something fun planned for today"

She takes a deep breath then yells "WAKE UP HOES, WERE GOING TO THE BEACH!"

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